WAW April 2015

Writer Accolades
Once again, we’d like to turn the spotlight on you—the amazingly brilliant, wonderfully articulate, and meticulously efficient writers that make WriterAccess shine. Who went above and beyond the call of duty this month?

Ian E deserves the spotlight of recognition this month for his incredibly successful conference call with a new client. Conference calls are not normally expected of writers, so in these rare occurrences we appreciate the work and dedication to excellence that goes into them.

Ian’s professional demeanor and patience when it came to understanding what the client was looking for wowed this client and WA staff. In showbiz you’re considered a triple threat if you can sing, dance and act, but around here we’re just looking for the double threat—writers who impress clients with both written and verbal communication. Ian E rose to the occasion, and for that we’d like to say thank you.

Marjorie R is a classic case of “do great work, and the recognition will follow.” The client she did this brilliant work for was a legal client with very—and we do mean very—high expectations on the content they ordered. Marjorie went into the project knowing full well revisions were going to be part of the job.

However, that didn’t stop her from putting forth her A-game. The client’s reaction? Utter delight. Marjorie knocked this client’s socks off. No revisions necessary, she nailed it on her first attempt. Well done, Marjorie! We tip our hats to you.

We love when writers show up with their game faces on, knowing they might be in for a long, hard battle to make the client happy. These writers showed up to win, and it paid off. Thank you, Ian and Marjorie, for being wonderful examples of the WriterAccess community!

Team Update

Charlotte is moving on and starting her own content management company. However, this is not goodbye forever. She will still be running the WA blog for a bit and will undoubtedly show up at the office unannounced, especially on free-lunch Fridays. She will also start using the platform as a client so she’s looking forward to working with many of you on future projects!

Kristin had a wonderful opportunity to see the Daily Show writers doing stand-up at the Wilbur Theater and sat 3 rows behind Bassem Youssef.

Joel bought a house and can confirm that it doesn’t snow in Central America near the 8.7 longitude.

Kelly P. had friends visit from New York. [Insert smiley emoji]

Kelly M. wrapped up her “days til spring” countdown on the whiteboard next to her desk at the office and officially started her “days til summer” countdown. Meanwhile, they’re calling for flurries tomorrow in Boston.

Louis spent the month preparing for an art show that kept him busy for days on end, but was ultimately worth the effort. The night raised money for the Transgender Emergency Fund in Worcester, MA.

In light of Boston’s record-breaking snowfall, Rob designed a prototype gadget to more accurately measure accumulated snowfall in localized areas by crowd-sourcing the data collection. By deploying a network of these devices on residential properties, homeowners can contribute their readings, representing one of thousands of data points reported in a single municipality… The Yard Snow Total Incremental Computation Kit (YardSTICK) will be on sale for $49.95 at participating retail locations in time for next winter.

Last Month’s Contest Winner

Last month we asked you to write a limerick in honor of St Patrick’s Day. Our top three favorite limericks are below, but alas there can only be one winner.

First the runner-ups:

From Bob S:

There was a young man from Ealing,
Who had an expectorant feeling.
But a sign on the door,
Said “Don’t spit on the floor,”
So he looked up and spat on the ceiling.

From Kate C:

There once was a writer named Kate,
Who thought Internet earning was great,
But it red flagged an audit,
So the IRS got it,
And the truth dawned a little too late!
Not a true story, btw. I always pay my taxes. 🙂

Without further ado, last month’s contest winner is: Jared B from Wayne, PA!

A new client said, “Content is king.”
Oh, no worries, I have just the thing.
It is Bold; it is Brash.
It will make you some cash.
“So it’s fine if I pay you nothing?”

Great work, Jared! The spoils of victory are heading your way in either the form of $100 cash or a $125 Starbucks gift card! Be sure to let us know which you’d prefer.

New Contest

Send us your photos! Here in Boston, springtime is looking more like snow time, but we hear it’s alive and well in other parts of the country. Send us photos of your garden, a sunny day, a baby animal, a baby human—anything that looks happy and springy!

You can send them to [email protected] – just make sure you note that it’s for the contest.

This month’s winner will be chosen at random to receive a $100 cash prize or $125 Starbucks gift card.

Blog Posts of the Month

Where Do You Get Your Ideas? Where Do You Get Your Ideas?by Paula A
Writing About Herbal Remedies, Psychic Healing and Witch Doctors Writing About Herbal Remedies, Psychic Healing and Witch Doctorsby Tracy S
It’s a Deal! 4 Steps to Closing Your Next Content Marketing Pitch It’s a Deal! 4 Steps to Closing Your Next Content Marketing Pitchby Erin M

Feedback Please

Happy spring to you all! Please let us know how we can make your experience on the platform better. And better than that. Write on!