Jared B
Writer #2725
Joined 4/4/2011
6 Star Rating
100% Success
4,641 Projects
16 Endorsements
7 Elite Skills
Jared's obsession with copywriting began as soon as he was old enough to read. He still remembers stealing copies of J. Peterman, Things You Never Knew Existed, The Sharper Image, and Hammacher Schlemmer from the mail and stashing them underneath his mattress.

Years later, when he returned from studying English at university, the collection was missing. Even now he wonders what his mother thought when she found his collection of catalogues.

Therefore, it is no surprise that today Jared writes engaging product descriptions, travel narratives, food articles, and educational content. He writes for commonly known brands, travel sites, business sites, food blogs and regional leaders in education.

Jared knows the key to creating great content is understanding what clients want. Consequently, he asks the significant questions to create clean, concise and actionable content.


Jared has experience with direct marketing, web copy, print copy, product descriptions, and inbound marketing. He writes extensively about consumer goods, business strategies, home and garden, cooking, food and the hospitality industry.

Jared also writes short fiction for clients on this platform.

Jared's ability to offer quality and timely content makes him a favorite among clients. As a result, his clients endorse him and leave great reviews:

"Jared did a great job for me. He was flexible and understanding ... ."

"I appreciated his ability to connect with my audience and convey the information clearly and sensitively."

"Great writer. Very responsive!"

"As always amazing :) Thank you so much."

"SO GOOD! Consistently impressed with you and the blog posts you create, Jared!..."
Direct Mail
Product Description
Home Living
Web Page
Blog Post
6 More


Cooking and Food
Travel narratives
Product descriptions
Home design and furnishing
Health and Wellness
Curriculum development
Short Stories


Jared loves cooking, teaching, traveling, writing, and doing a little gardening.

He has worked as a professional chef and has taught in the classroom for over ten years.


University of Maryland

I am studying instructional design, blended learning, and online education.

University of Pittsburgh

Jared B. graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English Writing. While at university he wrote for a number of journals and literary magazines. He was a member of the Poetry Society and read weekly at the open mics.


331 Projects Completed

Jared has written hundreds of reviews, blog posts and product descriptions for products and services. He has extensive knowledge of SEO and uses natural keyword integration. He particularly enjoys writing about online marketing, business start-ups, and how to incorporate social media campaigns into existing websites.

Home Living

238 Projects Completed

Jared has written a variety of articles and blog posts on designing and decorating the home. He has experience with decorating smaller spaces and is interested in all aspects of landscaping and gardening. Explaining to readers how to get the most from their current home is one of Jared's specialties.


152 Projects Completed

With a degree in the Culinary Arts and seven years of professional cooking and management experience in New York City, Jared has the background to write compellingly on cooking, creating recipes, managing restaurants, and food in general. He has operated a restaurant in NYC and a cafe in Jakarta, so he can also write about the business side of the food industry. He loves writing articles on Chinese, Korean, Southeast Asian, Italian and classic American cuisine.


107 Projects Completed

Jared has experience writing about diet, exercise, and healthcare. He writes web copy, SEO articles and blog posts dealing with yoga, meditation, rehabilitation, dental issues, alternative medicine, and preventative care. Jared has a background in TCM and Tui Na, and he loves to write about the benefits of using alternative and traditional medicine to treat modern health problems.


100 Projects Completed

Jared has extensive worldwide travel experience. By the time he was 20, he had sailed around the world aboard two different ships. After graduating from university, he moved to Southeast Asia for work. He has lived and worked throughout Asia, from Indonesia to Vietnam. He can communicate well in Indonesian and Mandarin. He loves to write articles travel narratives and destination guides for a variety of international locations. He specializes in budget and working holidays.


62 Projects Completed

Jared has written many articles on the methodology of teaching English to speakers of other languages. He has written blog posts and print articles for English students and others teachers. His largest educational project was rewriting dozens of lesson plans for an international EFL company, as well as lecturing in the fundamentals of language acquisition for the company. He is currently working on a guide to TEFL in Southeast Asia.


50 Projects Completed

Clients love Jared's retail writing. The writer combines an innate ability to accurately describe products while focusing on creating a desire in the reader to make a purchase resulting in more sales and happy clients. Jared loves to write engaging and unique catalogue descriptions, especially in the style of the old J. Peterman catalogues.


47 Projects Completed

Jared has a degree in Culinary Arts from the Institute of Culinary Education and has written articles and blog posts focusing on restaurants and professional cooking. He has written a number of articles about restaurant and hotel management. His years of working as a chef in some of the top NYC restaurants allow him to write as an insider in the industry.


46 Projects Completed

Jared has experience operating a recruitment website for people looking for work abroad. He has helped dozens of jobseekers find positions in well-paying jobs in their chosen fields. He has written on proper interviewing techniques and on issues of staying legal while recruiting.


43 Projects Completed

Jared has written many articles on gardening and lawn care for clients. He has firsthand knowledge of small-scale farm and aquaponics techniques, especially growing fruits and vegetables in the tropics. He is excited about permaculture, sustainable agriculture and loves to share his knowledge.


24 Projects Completed

Jared has written articles focusing on marital issues and dating advice for men. He is comfortable writing mature, quality articles on intimate subjects. He can write from both the male and female perspective.

Blog Post

2,485 Projects Completed

Jared has written many blog posts for his own blogs and for customers' blogs. He has written blog posts on many different subjects. He is well-versed with the format of blog posts and has a good understanding of the backend of Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. He uses SEO in his blog posts to rank well on Google, even after the Penguin update.


545 Projects Completed

Jared has written many articles, for both online and print outlets. Most of his articles focus on travel, cooking, small-scale and alternative farming methods, as well as teaching and the learning of languages. He is very interested in long-form documents but has experience with shorter blog posts.

Web Page

247 Projects Completed

Jared creates compelling web content which converts browsers into customers. He understands the proper use of keywords, and utilizes the most up-to-date best practices when writing web content. Jared has create numerous sites specializing in overseas staffing and e-commerce. He fully understands the physical and psychological differences between how readers read online and in print, and he uses this understanding to benefit his clients' sites.

Product Description

153 Projects Completed

Jared has written product descriptions for a wide range of clients who sell a variety of products. He has experience creating compelling content which showcases a product's tangible benefits to a customer. Jared writes product descriptions by focusing on finding the ideal target customers and tailoring his content to appeal to these customers' imagination.

Direct Mail

11 Projects Completed

Jared has written direct mail content for a variety of industries. Most of his direct mail content has focused on the educational industry, but he has also written direct mailings for restaurants. He understands effective ways of selling through direct mailings.

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