Create an Online Brand with Personality

Google it. Those two words have taken over the world of business. Whether you want to hire content writers for your blog or you need to find a reputable marketing agency, your search begins with a quick scan of Google search results. You can find out in a few seconds if your future freelance writers, […]

Spooky, Scary Article Practices to Avoid

Halloween has arrived, but when it comes to really scary stuff, some blog and website owners want work done that’s scarier than any haunted house. The reason you hire a writer to create great articles that attract more readers to your site. If you insist on ordering articles that follow outmoded SEO rules, you’re wasting […]

Make Your Content Marketing as Exciting as a Masquerade Ball

Let the arrival of autumn with its falling leaves and shorter days, tricks and treats, and pumpkin heads, inspire you, the savvy entrepreneur, to engage the market with a content marketing blitz as exciting as a costume ball. Through strong, persuasive writing and promotion, you can transport your prospects and customers to a celebration of […]

Social Media in Only 10 Minutes a Day

The day-to-day operations of your business take a lot of time. Not only do you have to work with customers, you have to stay in touch with your vendors, keep the inventory organized, keep your employees on task and make your storefront look at good as it possibly can. If you have a service-based business, […]

Why Web Designers Need Content Writers

Many web designers believe that they can forego the use of content writers by providing content for the website themselves. Some of them don’t even offer content, but instead use placeholder text and leave the content management completely in the client’s hands. This is often a mistake for many reasons. Web designers usually aren’t as […]

Hire a Writer to Customize Your Employee Handbook

I recently worked for a small company that had no employee handbook. At some point they realized they needed one to stem employee confusion about company policies. Instead of hiring a good writer, they put together bits and pieces from other handbooks. It read just like it was created—bits and pieces of language that did […]

Tweriod and Buffer: Your New BFFs

Sharing on social media is a double-edged sword. Sure, you need to get your website out there through promotional posts on all of those social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. But who has got the time? Between developing a post, tweeting, pinning, digging, and the like, it takes a great deal of time unless […]

Using the Psychology of Emotional Selling to Promote Your Product

Competition among businesses that sell products and services within the “cloud” is now more intense and cutthroat than it has ever been. The ability of a business to effectively use the power of emotional persuasion in writing sales copy is essential to its long-term viability. When a company needs to hire a writer, it is […]

Writer Selection vs Natural Selection Or: How to Pack a Suitcase for Mars

If you’re looking to hire a writer, it can be a lot like packing a suitcase for Mars. “They” say the cloud colonies of the terrestrial planets have all the creature comforts and amenities of earth, but you never know until the doors of the intergalactic monorail whoosh open, leaving you at the flower-lined doorstep […]

Setting Freelance Rates

What are your rates? How much do you charge for a blog post? $15 per page? $50? $125? Do you charge by the hour or by the word? Do questions like these make you nervous? If they do, you are not alone. Many freelance writers have trouble deciding how much to charge for their work. […]