Generalist or Specialist?

Is it better to specialize in writing about a specific topic that you’re familiar with, or should you branch out? Writing content about just one topic has its advantages, but it’s better for some writers to write about a wider variety of topics. Here are the pros and cons of each method to help make […]

I Learned True Descriptive Writing from My Dog

For a writer, it’s one thing to learn the fluidity of descriptive writing content in a classroom. Examples of Alexander Pope’s poetry or the richly-detailed boredom of Fyodr Dostoevsky’s novels are often used as pedastals to achieve, if at least for a moment, in hundreds of colleges and English degree programs. However, my dog acts […]

Choosing the Right Writing Software: Scrivener Versus YWriter

A woman walks into a coffee shop to find two writers, one writing content for a website and the other a novel. An argument is brewing over which writing software is the best. The novelist swears Scrivener is the one and only, while the content writer asks why yWriter is such a bad choice. An […]

Dang this Article is Crap!

Darn, Shoot and Golly Gee! What do you do when you need to express a profane statement as you are writing content? That is something that many writers struggle with on nearly a daily basis. There are so many occasions where you need to express something that someone may consider profane. It could be an […]

The Anarchic Ramblings of the Modern Travel Writer: Redux

Does anyone have a worse job than a travel writer? I. It’s 3:45 a.m. and this is the thought that’s going through your mind as you’re stuck in a layover somewhere in Europe –could be Stockholm, could be Copenhagen, and the only reason you’re thinking Scandinavia is because the airport terminal looks like an IKEA […]

The Anarchic Ramblings of the Modern Travel Writer

Does anyone have a better job than a travel writer? I. It’s 82 degrees and you’re stretched on a hammock between two coconut trees, a rum punch in one hand, a Paul Bowles paperback in the other, the smell of hibiscus in the air; your mission, if you choose to accept, and what’s 750 words […]

Woot! 12 Droolworthy Words for the Illiterati

Keep your web content as fresh as a daisy by giving your customers verbiage that sparkles. Visionary web content writers know they must nurture their craft by ordering the most up-to-date issue of the style guide and by studying grammar rules on the reg. But did you ever stop to think about those lollipops that […]

5 Letters that Almost Were in the Alphabet

A, B, C, D… Yohg? Strange but true: At least a dozen letters were nearly included in the modern alphabet, but didn’t quite make the cut. Expand your knowledge of the English language while you discover something interesting, engaging or even oddball to share as freelancer writing content. So without further ado, meet the almost-letters […]

Trade Magazines and Publications for Foodie Freelance Writers

How can you enjoy everything under the sun from oversized Mexican tortas to Belgian fries to Jamaican jerk chicken? Well unless you want to be as large as a beached whale, get your foodie fix as a freelance food writer. Give in to your food cravings by writing content related to the food industry. Envision […]

Four Signs You Should NOT Be Writing Web Content

Does the idea of using your computer to bring in a decent income without leaving your home sound appealing? This is exactly what can happen if you start writing content for a living. Yet, before you jump into this line of work, you need to make sure it is a good fit for you. Here […]

Four Reasons Why You Can’t Afford Not to Hire an Article Writing Service

Would you ever consider giving yourself a haircut? What about performing your own surgery? Of course not! So why would you consider writing your own articles for your website? Successful content writing is a learned skill that is perfected by professional writers. Just like haircuts are best left to beauticians, writing content is best left […]