UNHCR and Neil Gaiman: Why You Should Pay Attention to Social Media

In late May, The Guardian published an article by Neil Gaiman about Syrian refugee camps in Jordan. By early June, the article had received thousands of social media shares and likes, which isn’t surprising given Gaiman’s popularity. But why was Neil Gaiman in Jordan and what brought the writer to the subject of UN refugee […]

Writer Rant: I Can’t Read Your Mind–An Open Letter to Clients

Welcome to Writer Rants–where every Friday a writer just lets loose on whatever the heck is bugging them this week. Enjoy. Dear Client – I’m the person who has been writing content for your plumbing company (insurance firm, blog about sexy rodeo clowns, etc.) By the way, my name is Tracy with a Y, not […]

Content marketing lessons from fiction writers

Nothing draws a reader into a short story or novel faster than a fully fleshed out imaginary world. Compelling characters, realistic settings and exciting plot twists keep them turning pages for hours and hours. A good story can make you lose track of the outside world until it is finished. Business owners can draw inspiration […]

Stuffing Your Turkey, er, Website, for Optimum Sales During the Holidays!

Everyone knows the holiday season puts a pinch on our time, our attention, and our budget. Family and friends, seasonal parties and other affairs, shopping for gifts, and holiday traffic and congestion, whether it be cars on the highway or people in malls, all cram our calendars and our schedules to the hilt. Because of […]

Anonymous, No More: Making the Shift from Behind the Scenes to Byline

A little over a year ago, I couldn’t even tell you what SEO stood for. Something…computerish? Now, I feel fortunate that I can regularly earn a good chunk of cash each month from my work as one of many anonymous blog writers, and I’ve spend the last year more or less happily chugging away as […]

Packaging Million Dollar Ideas: The Power of Content Writing

Packaging really does matter. Few people will choose to buy a rusted used junker over a new car. The time it takes replacing parts and restoring others isn’t worth the time or energy for the value the car owner gets in return. The same is true with writing. How you write is as important as […]

Great Expectations: Tips for Spotting Picky Clients and Pleasing Difficult Customers

Freelance writers often don’t meet their clients face-to-face, but we still have our more-than-fair share of hard-to-please bosses and frustrating managers. Recognizing a difficult client and knowing how to maintain the relationship will help you advance your freelance writing career. Spotting the Difficult Client Whether you are writing a press release or a blog post, […]

Smart Writing on Your Smartphone

As a writer, deadlines are a big part of everyday life. If you are like me, most of the time you are diligent about making sure you have everything turned in on time—especially if you are heading away from your office, home or workspace for the day. However, every now and then a deadline springs […]

Zen and the Art of Coffee: Finding Your Zone as a Freelance Writer

Writing content is nothing like writing a story. There are no climaxes, plot twists, or metaphorical arcs that tie it all nicely together. Yes, at times, it can be a drag. But does it have to be? As freelance writers, we have the ability to work anywhere, at anytime, and completely naked. This unrivaled ability […]

Who Needs a Writer’s Retreat? You Do!

When most freelance writers picture a writer’s retreat, they think of quiet cabins in the woods filled with the highest literary talent, spending their days creating timeless works. While retreats like this may have existed a few times, the actual reason behind any writer’s retreat is so writers can spend a few days concentrating only […]

Simplifying Legal Writing

Next to government documents, legal writing can be some of the most complicated and obscure language for the average person to understand. Some say lawyers want it that way—that it ensures they have work—but what if that’s not true? What if the truth is that most lawyers are just not good writers? How can legal […]