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Comedy Marketing Keynotes 2018 Teaser

Dial into this Comedy Marketing Keynotes Teaser video to view some highlights of our comedy debut in our past CMC conference in 2017. Our third year of Content Marketing Conference in 2017 explored the intersection of comedy, marketing and business growth. Our fans and attendees loved the concept and execution so much, we decided to host a separate keynote series in 2018 called Comedy Marketing Keynotes, a special day event featuring 10 keynote speakers that showcase how comedy may just be the next frontier to customers engaged, and perpetually coming back to our sites for more.

Make CM a Breeze

Sure, great content is the key to success with content marketing. But how you create great content is tricky stuff. That’s where this Byronism: Tips to Make Content Marketing a Breeze video comes in. Byron White, CEO of WriterAccess, offers a few ideas worth pondering, like testing 3 writers in a contest to pick the winner that aligns with your style and goals, define the goals with creative briefs and offering feedback to writers, particularly initially, to help steer them in the right direction and achieve your goals.

Stop Bad Content

Why do we keep creating all this bad content? Is there something we can do to stop bad content in it’s track?  CEO of WriterAccess Byron White takes on this big problem with the Byronism: Stop Bad Content video that will helps to answer the question why bad content exists, and how we can stop it.