How to Build Teams of Writers for Multiple Projects at Once

480585411Team project management is about leveraging strengths and weaknesses. You can expand on that premise by finding content writers for multiple projects at once, because you’re just that good.

Five Balls – Two Hands

Project management is a little like trying to juggle five balls at one time. Farming off some of that work means you have more time to focus on managing. Since, content writing does require a specific skill set, it’s a good place to start when you are assigning tasks.

A content marketing service exists just for that purpose. Services like WriterAccess keep a pool of experienced and talented writers around to peel the content grapes for you. All you have to do is find writers that fit your needs.

Got You Some Resources Now

If all you needed was writers, you could roll the dice with Craigslist. No, you want the tools that come with a service, so you can set parameters that improve your writer selection process. This is especially critical if you have multiple projects in play.

Make a list of writer qualifications for each of your projects. Now, compare the lists to see if there are any similarities. For example:

  • Is there an average budget? – This would give you an idea of what you can afford to pay a writer.
  • How about expertise and educational background? – If you are an agency with a niche, this will come in handy. You don’t want an automotive writer telling people how to clean their teeth.
  • Attention to detail – As the Content Marketing Institute points out, this is a big selling point. Attention to detail is a two-way street. If a writer adds detail to their written work, he or she will be paying attention to the project details, as well.

About Those Resources

Speaking of WriterAccess, let’s look to them for a little guidance.

When you start at WA, you fill out a recruitment form, because, as their blog points out, they have an army of writers waiting for you. This form helps you narrow down the qualifications you need, and guess what, you can do multiple projects at once. It’s almost like they knew you were coming.

Your requested qualifications go to the talented talent management staff for review. They present you with potential candidates from the army that meets your criteria. You can review their profiles to learn more about their vocational experience, education, payment expectations and even read samples of their work. At WA, you can group the writers you love together on a love list – see what they did there – for future projects.

If you are still unsure, throw out some bait and see what writers bite. At WA, this is appropriately called a casting call. It’s free and you can do one for each project, too. Review the profiles of writers who eat the worm and create a love list or assign a project directly to one.

Your goal as project management head honcho is to make life easier while still keeping your client happy. Doesn’t creating your own pool of content writers just make sense?

Darla F is a full-time freelance writer who specializes in helping agencies meet their goals by developing creative and engaging content.

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