Many years of a continuing passion for words and a constant professionalism assure you of an impeccable translation delivered in a very timely manner.
Take advantage of an experienced and dedicated person in the secretarial field (more than 25 years), including approximately 9 to 10 years in the translation field for a renowned claim adjustment firm such as Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc. as well as various companies.
Best regards,
Francine P.
Translator, proofreader and writer
Language Projects
English (US) to French (Canada)50+
French (Canada) to English (US)50+
Summary of Language Experience
English (US) to French (Canada)
Translation and review of English and French texts, including letters, reports and general texts
French (Canada) to English (US)
Translation of various texts, letters and reports mainly for claims adjusters, who were always very satisfied of my performance.
Industry Projects
Summary of Industry Experience
Translation of reports and letters for Crawford & Company (Canada) Inc., which was very appreciated.
Crafting of a children's book :
Le Fabuleux Voyage des Enfants du Roi, which is already published
and the English version, which is to be published
Translation of a marketing document from French to English for CLIC, which was very appreciated.
She published her children's book Le Fabuleux Voyage des Enfants du Roi with Amazon in June 2020.
The english text version of her book: The Fabulous Journey of the King's Sons, has already been approved by another publishing company, but the images are to be re-submitted to finalize this project. Hopefully, her personal drawings / images will be submitted within a month or two.
Please note that she is very proud of her accomplishments to date regarding the writing and translation of these two books (French and English versions).
The completion of an ebook (French version) published in June 2020 on Amazon and the future publishing of the English version (of which the text was approved by another publishing company), of which I am very proud.
The English title is : The Fabulous Journey of the King's Sons
Product Projects
Summary of Product Experience
You will surely enjoy the reading of my newly published children's book in french LE FABULEUX VOYAGE DES ENFANTS DU ROI, from which you can read an excerpt by going to the following address on Amazon website :
You can read the synopsis of the English version of the above mentioned book, which should be soon published, as The Fabulous Journey of the King's Sons in the SAMPLE section of my profile. You will also see the French version.