Translator #42757
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Sergei Kvardakov received his bachelor's degree in translation and interpreting (English, German) from Maurice Thorez Moscow Foreign Languages University in 1982 and spent the next ten years with the VNIIKTEP Energy Research Institute of the USSR State Planning Committee as a staff translator. During that time, he also studied energy sector economics at the Gosplan's Higher Economics Courses this giving him a valuable economic qualification.
As professional interpreter, Sergei gained extensive experience of working at domestic and international energy-related conferences, workshops, seminars, round tables etc in the 1980/90ies (Tokyo, New Delhi, Berlin, Copenhagen, Dortmund, New York, Tallinn and many others). He has vast and deep knowledge of energy sectors (oil, gas, electricity, renewables, energy saving), good understanding of economics, taxation, banking, law, financial and stock markets. Since the 1980-ies, he worked on numerous assignments and projects in close contact with Western experts, companies and officials.
Working since 1993 as an in-house translator/interpreter and project coordinator first with the French bank Lazard Freres, and then after 1996 with its Russian spinoff private investment boutique Vanguard Limited, Sergei was involved in many consultancy projects (inter alia relating to project finance, M&A, restructurings, privatizations, finance mobilization, strategic alliances etc). In 1990 to 2005, Sergei collaborated on a bunch of World Bank’s TAL consultancy projects delivered by NERA for such major Russian clients as RAO UES of Russia, Gazprom, Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, Sukhoi and many others.
After 2013, Sergei has concentrated on his freelancer carrier serving various clients both in Russia and worldwide.



Language Projects

  • English (US) to Russian100+

Summary of Language Experience

English (US) to Russian

As Sergei was trained a professional English-language translator and interpreter during his university education, he's got an excellent level of linguistic skills. He had an additional language training in the United States in 1980 when he spent a fall semester with the SUNY at Albany under the US-Soviet Student Exchange Program. Further language improvements were made during his job as a staff interpreter with the State Planning Committee and business trips around the world. Since the 1990-ies, Sergei was involved in talks and meetings with representatives of many international organizations and firms doing business in Russia. Professional English translation has become Sergei's lifetime project indeed!

Industry Projects

  • Business100+
  • Politics50+
  • Music10+

Summary of Industry Experience


During his translator's career, Sergei has delivered hundreds of translation assignments in the business sphere, including reports of all kinds, feasibility studies, presentations, accounting papers, tax declarations as well as articles and contributions to various conferences and workshops.


For the last 30 years of his professional career, Sergei has translated dozens of articles and reviews in the field of politics where he may be called an excellent and up-to-date expert.


Sergei likes music, especially the good old rock'n'roll of the 1970ies. He regularly translates articles from Western magazines about music, while his favorite background radio station is Rock FM... Long live rock'n roll!

Product Projects

  • Presentation100+
  • Article50+
  • Book10+

Summary of Product Experience


Sergei has translated more than 100 reports and business documents, including presentations, whitepapers, annual reports and data sheets for companies like NERA, ENEL, EDF, Energy Markets, Purvin & Gertz and organizations like the World Bank, EBRD etc. Sergei has 30+ years of experience with financial, tax, regulatory and business terminology securing an exceptionally high result of his work.


Sergei has translated more than 50 articles from US and international press & media sources over his career, both business, technical or cultural. He always kept up a very high level of linguistic perception and semantic transfer in delivering his translations.


During his translator's career, Sergei has translated 10 full-format books originating from various fields, such as 'Metamorphogenic Ore Formation' (geology), 'Who Prospers?' (sociology), 'Power System Economics' (designing electricity markets), 'Hagar. Through the Looking Glass' (history) etc. His rich educational background guarantees superb translation to be delivered to clients almost in any field of knowledge.

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