After receiving her degree as technical-scientific and literary translator at the Lenguas Vivas Institute and her degree as a teacher at San Jose College, Virginia has been working as a teacher at High School and University and as a freelancer. She has worked as a freelancer for agencies and individual clients in small and high volume projects. Virginia has also worked as a translator at a fishing enterprise (in-house) and at COPAN (PanAmerican Games).
Language Projects
English (UK) to Spanish (South America)1,000+
English (US) to Spanish (South America)50+
German to English (UK)10+
Summary of Language Experience
English (UK) to Spanish (South America)
Having completed 600 projects here at WriterAccess and worked as a translator for more than 20 yeras now.
English (US) to Spanish (South America)
After receiving her degree as technical-scientific and literary translator at the Lenguas Vivas Institute and her degree as a teacher at San Jose College, Virginia has been working as a teacher at High School and University and as a freelancer. She has worked as a freelancer for agencies and individual clients in small and high volume projects. Virginia has also worked as a translator at a fishing enterprise (in-house) and at COPAN (PanAmerican Games).
German to English (UK)
After working for more than three years in a German company communicating ourselves in English, she feels highly confident in translating from German to English (UK and USA)
Industry Projects
Summary of Industry Experience
USA pizza restaurants. Menus. Book on food. Book on nutririon. Cooking. Training.
Product Projects
Summary of Product Experience
Translation and proofreading of novels. I have completed the translation of three books, a novel, a food book and one on nutrition.