Writer Wednesday: Rachel M

Rachel MThis week, meet writer Rachel M from Chino Hills, CA!  Check out our blog every Wednesday for a new interview with our super talented and very interesting WriterAccess writers.  For more featured writers, visit our Writer Wednesday category.

You mention in your profile that you’ve been passionate about writing since high school. Did you know at that point you’d become a freelance writer?

I actually wanted to become a broadcast journalist. I didn’t even know freelance writing was a real job at that point. When I realized that I would have to choose between a successful broadcasting career or having a family (because of the intense commitment involved), I decided to give up on my passion for journalism and pursue other interests, such as interior decorating. To make a long story short, everything happens for a reason and I am now living my true dream: a life as a writer and a stay-at-home mom of two amazing kids!

Not Your Ordinary Parenting BookTell us about the books you’ve published! Are they all nonfiction like your top-selling parenting eBook, or have you dappled in different genres?

As you mentioned, the parenting book, Not Your Ordinary Parenting Book: Newborn Edition, is my pride and joy. It talks about all of the trial-and-error tricks you learn during the first year of parenting, with the hopes of saving new moms and dads time and money. I collaborated with my own mom and twin sister so that we could provide plenty of tricks for all different parenting styles. It is written in a fun, conversational format to make it an easy read, and it has been received much better than we could have ever hoped!

As for the other books, they are all children’s books covering simple concepts, like the alphabet, first words, and colors. I created them because I was looking for these types of books for my own daughter and I couldn’t find any that used actual photographs. I wanted to show her the real world, not cartoons, so I made them myself. They were a labor of love for my own children, and, luckily, other people seem to like them as well.

What are the most important things to consider when balancing parenting with writing?

For me—and it has taken some time to realize this—it is to always be present with the kids. Writing can wait. I used to try to work during the day while they were playing, and then I realized that even though I was in the room with them, I was missing too much. Now, I only work during nap times and, if that’s not enough, after the kids go to bed. I love it! At the end of the day I feel like I really got a lot of irreplaceable time with the kids. As an added bonus, it also forces me to be more productive with my writing since my time is limited.

Do you have any goals for yourself as a writer? Perhaps a new niche you’d like to tap into, or a future book?

This year I have a lot of lofty goals and I am very excited about what is ahead! I am well underway with the second edition of my parenting book, this one geared towards toddlers. I hope to have it out by March. There are also a few other projects in the works. Above all, I hope to continue to build strong writing relationships with the clients here. I feel very fortunate to have the clients that I do that let me write about what I love and pay me for it.

Have any tips for your fellow writers?

Just do it (sorry, Nike, but it’s a good slogan!). Whether it be publishing your own book, applying for the casting call you are unsure if you qualify for, or taking on a high-paying order just outside of your comfort zone. You may discover something new about yourself along the way.

Rachel M is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

Louis Roe is a content marketing intern at WriterAccess. Contact Louis on Twitter @lojoroe or by email Louis.Roe (at) WriterAccess.com.

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