Writer Wednesday: Miranda B

Miranda BWe’re thrilled to bring back Writer Wednesdays, where you can meet one of our prolific WriterAccess writers every week!  This week’s feature is Miranda B from Platte, SD.  For more featured writers, visit our Writer Wednesday category.

What prompted you to start writing in the first place?

I’ve always been a reader, whether it was the classic children’s lit collection in our 1970s encyclopedia set or the toothpaste tube while sitting on the throne. Then, when I was about 10 years old visiting my grandmother I heard about a cousin who was writing textbooks while teaching college at Berkeley. I thought if I had a relative who wrote books, then it was quite possible that I could, too. At that instant my love for reading collided with my passion to write.

Which writing niches or genres are your favorites, both personally and professionally?

I read a lot of travel content mainly because I’m always planning my next trip, whether it is across the state or over the ocean. My vagabond experiences have led to writing travel articles, such as for the USA Today and local newspapers. Otherwise, I’m a culture fanatic. Give me an article to read or write about a cultural element, such as religion, education, fashion or literature, and I’m almost as happy as I am when I’m road tripping and backpacking—almost.

Who are your favorite writers?

As a reader, I’m happy as a lark nestled up with a stack of sci-fi, fantasy and horror tales. My favorite writers include Stephen King, Hunter S. Thompson, Ray Bradbury, C. S. Lewis, Harlan Ellison, David Mitchell, J.K. Rowling, George R.R. Martin, and Steig Larsson. I’m also digging deeper into children’s literature and have a renewed fondness for all things Roald Dahl.

Tell us about your writing space! What kind of environment motivates you?

I write best at night when all is dark and quiet. Must have copious amounts of coffee and loud music, preferably psychedelic rock. I finally invested in an over-sized screen, a major step up from the netbook I used to start out in the freelance writing world and a great boost for my squinty vision.

Got any advice for your fellow writers?

If your path has led to writing, then you’d better follow it through to the end. You may find the road too bumpy or filled with too many potholes preventing you from succeeding. However, if you don’t try at all you’ll end up a miserable old coot with lots of tall tales to tell, but nothing to show for them.

Miranda B is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

Louis Roe is a content marketing intern at WriterAccess. Contact Louis on Twitter @lojoroe or by email Louis.Roe (at) WriterAccess.com.

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