Why Writers Should Be an Integral Part of Your Marketing Team


Marketing is fundamental to the success of your business. Whether your marketing team consists of a single person or a small department, you can almost certainly benefit from hiring one or more regular writers. These are some reasons why writers are crucial to marketing.

They’re Good for Your Bottom Line

Your goal is to build your base of leads and actual customers without putting too much of your budget into marketing. Though they may not have a degree in marketing or in the area that your small business specializes in, freelancers can be an indispensable part of a cost-effective marketing campaign. They’re used to churning out high-quality content, so you don’t need to waste your own time struggling with content writing and SEO tricks.

They can apply their SEO and research skills to develop a quality website, which is the first impression that many leads will have of your business. Once your marketing department figures out the nuts and bolts of the campaign, copywriters can take over by providing blog posts and social media updates. A coordinated but low-cost media campaign can include targeted emails that entice leads to interact with your business and possibly make a purchase.

You Can Make Them Members of Your Team

Freelance copywriters have plenty of other obligations, but it’s worth your while to nurture your relationship with them. It’s super simple. The more you invest in them, the more they’ll invest in you. If you treat them as part of your team, they will be committed to you and the success of your business. The result will be relevant content and the occasional revolutionary idea that may be the very thing your business needs to move forward. This is how you can convert your writers into team players.

  • Keep them in the loop. They don’t need to be included on every email that circulates in your office, but they do need to know about major news. You can do this easily with a weekly phone call or email to outline changes in direction and upcoming events.
  • Invite open communication about pay. You’re likely to establish set pay rates for various types of work so that both parties know what to expect, but freelance copywriters will be more loyal if they feel that they’re able to negotiate if needed.
  • Think of freelance copywriters as a long-term investment. Marketing involves months and years of laying the groundwork to generate leads and convert them to sales. Keeping copywriters around for the long term lays the groundwork so they can continue to produce effective content.

You Can Get an Outside Perspective from an Insider

What sounded so good as a joke in the break-room at your business may not sound too good to an outside potential client. A freelance writer who is familiar with your business, but not present on-site every day knows what message you’re trying to send and can decide whether you’re sending it right. That can prevent you from going forward with an entire marketing campaign that’s doomed to fail from the start.

They’re Familiar with Quick Turnarounds

A valued characteristic of your marketing team is its ability to produce quickly. For example, a major news event relevant in your industry can lead to increased sales — but only if you act quickly. Content writers can jump on the opportunity to write blog posts and social media updates to attract customers when the time is right. Most freelancers are able to produce quality content within a day or two, giving you a leg up on your competitors.

Natalie S is happy to work on content marketing from the comfort of sunny Southern California. She’s usually able to produce work quickly, but isn’t likely to be at her computer before her morning run.

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