What to Look for in Business Writers


Articles about various types of businesses and decisions to be made when doing business are pretty common among clients who need content. This makes quality business writers a hot commodity in the content writing marketplace, as they will be valued by clients and usually have regular work if they write for the proper content websites. However, finding a quality business writer is easier said that done. Below are some things to look for in a writer who says they can write about business on a consistent basis so that you can be sure you’re hiring someone who can not only write but also knows what they are talking about.

Have They Written About Business?

The first, obvious question is: can the writer write and can they write about business? This can be summed up very quickly by simply asking for samples of business articles they have written in the past, giving you sense of their ability to write as well as their ability to put together a business article. If they don’t have any samples, this is a warning sign, but not necessarily proof they couldn’t be a great business writer. At this point you may want to assign them a sample article with a simple assignment that is two to three hundred words about some aspect of doing business. This test will give you a real sense of their abilities moving forward.

Do They Have Personal Business Experience?

You could be working with one of the most linguistically talented and visionary writers ever to work in the trade, but if they have no real world experience doing business, than they may not be able to convey the necessary points, ideas or information you need in your business content articles. So this is as important a question as finding out if a prospective business writer can even write. Have they ever run a business, worked in another business or done more in the business world? Writing and examining it will obviously suffice, but non-writing business experience is especially beneficial.

Is Their Writing Succinct?

Business articles often contain a lot of information in a limited number of words, so being succinct and to the point is key for a good business writer. Look at the language of the business writers you are considering hiring and make sure they can get the point of the article across in a very short amount of time, properly reporting information, figures and details without being particularly verbose. This is critical for readers to quickly consume the necessary details from a business article and move on to the next one, making the business articles produced by the writers on your site more read and ultimately more popular.

Eli K has both written for a living for well over a decade and run his own business. So he knows an ample amount about both worlds and combines them regularly.

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