Weekly Round-Up… More fun than a frog in a glass of milk!


(First of all: anyone who can identify the quote in the title wins a prize)

Second of all: Happy First Saturday of Spring!

I hope the weather where you are is springy and gorgeous today. Personally, I think we’re all very deserving of some nice weather after living through the wrath of the aptly named Polar Vortex for the past 3 months or so.

Here in Boston, winter seems to be hanging on for dear life… Today’s forecast calls for snow, followed by rain, followed by a high of 53 degrees. If it was socially acceptable to just wheel a suitcase behind me all day full of various outerwear options, I would.

Anyways, while we in the Northeast ponder how many layers to wear today, let’s get into the round-up, shall we?

In Content Marketing News- knowing your audience may seem like a simple concept, but as is often the case with simple things, it can easily go overlooked. Entrepreneur.com has an interesting article on how it’s pretty much impossible to employ a good content marketing strategy without knowing your customers.

In Freelancing News- April 15th is nearly upon us. Have you done your taxes yet? If not, you should probably get on that. Take a look at these 5 Tax Tips for Freelance Writers.

In Random Writing Strategy News- Buzzfeed has taken your all-time favorite Disney movies and retold each one in Haiku. Your childhood will thank you.

In Workaholic News- Are you great at everything in life except relaxing? You must learn how to get better at it. Think of it as a skill- something to be worked on and practiced- for the sake of your health.

And finally, in Happiness News- Thursday March 20th was the United Nations International Day of Happiness! If you didn’t know, or you felt a Thursday was a rather unfortunate day of the week for International Happiness Day, celebrate today! Happiness is contagious, so do your part to spread it this weekend.

And oh one more thing–Post of the Week:

1988 Writers Guild Strike and the Current Position of Freelance Writers For Hire by Alethea M

Congratulations Alethea!

Charlotte Garden is in charge of all the blog content at WriterAccess. She’s a blogger by trade, a Gemini by birth, and frequently peppers references from 80s movies throughout her posts for her own amusement.

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