Alethea M
Writer #7630
Joined 8/26/2013
6 Star Rating
100% Success
8,808 Projects
52 Endorsements
3 Elite Skills
Alethea M. is a content marketing pro with over 10 years of experience in the marketing and advertising field. She is a professional writer, photographer and illustrator. As a natural jack-of-all-trades, she is continually learning and trying new things. She has written for thousands of clients covering numerous industries and logging over 2 million paid words on WriterAccess alone.

Alethea graduated from the University of Saint Francis in 2009 with a B.A., double-majoring in Communication Arts and Graphic Design and double-focusing in Illustration and Computer Arts. She photographed the school football team as a paid work-study all four years of her college career. After graduating, she was hired by the local Boys and Girls Clubs to teach art to young children and run their art program. She moved on to another nonprofit company in Indiana that offered troubled youth and family services, working as a Marketing Assistant there for two years and creating all of their marketing materials. She now spends her time as a wife, mother, blogger, ghostwriter and photographer.

Her natural ability to write comes from Alethea's deeper love for reading. At a young age, she spent the majority of her time reading, writing and drawing. While her nose was usually in a book, she still managed to play sports, cook, draw and learn to play the piano. She has always been a self-taught and motivated learner, leading her to pursue a diverse number of subjects--specifically those with a practical application. Now, a lot of her reading time is spent browsing blogs and doing research for clients. She finds freelance work interesting and often expands her education as she learns about new trends for top industries.

Because of Alethea's interest in a vast array of subject matters, she is motivated to discover and try new things. She has written articles for clients on a vast number of varying industry subjects, such as marketing trends, postsecondary education, industrial products, fashion, home maintenance, real estate, lifestyle, business and much more. Her background in advertising and marketing gives her an angle that clients in nearly every industry appreciate. Her writing niche covers marketing topics, which translates well into content marketing for all industries.

Alethea has a true passion for her work and wants to succeed for every client she works with. She will go above and beyond on every job, making her a favorite go-to writer for many returning clients.
Product Description
Blog Post
7 More


With her background in advertising and marketing, Alethea specializes in promoting businesses and helping develop marketing strategies. She is very familiar with reaching target audiences and knows how to adjust to match a company voice. She likes to write from experience, but is also very skilled at researching unfamiliar subjects.


Even though Alethea works daily as a Freelance writer, she also finds time for many other activities. She loves to learn more about business marketing trends and has attended additional courses to increase her knowledge on the subject. She has had her artwork in the FWMoA and the Society of Illustrators museum in New York, loves to ride horses and parents two young children. She owns and has trained two well-behaved American Pit Bull Terriers. She occasionally works as a freelance photographer, focusing in weddings and portraits.


University of Saint Francis

Alethea spent four years at the University of Saint Francis, completing a double-major in Graphic Design and Communication Arts and a double-focus in Illustration and Graphic Design. She earned her B.A. with high honors, graduating with eight semesters on the Dean's list.


1,030 Projects Completed

A large part of Alethea's degree dealt with marketing as well as traditional advertising. She recently earned her Inbound Certification through the HubSpot Academy, passing with an impressive 95% on their comprehensive exam. Her marketing advice has been published by many clients who aim to be leaders in the marketing industry. She has written numerous marketing posts for the WriterAccess blog, an e-book on content marketing and several white papers on various marketing topics. She worked for two years as a Marketing Assistant for a local nonprofit organization where she was responsible for writing content, tracking important analytics, presenting marketing strategies and managing the content calendar.


876 Projects Completed

Alethea has been certified as an general fitness instructor by ACE through the YMCA. She teaches classes weekly to senior citizens, having completed her Silver Sneakers certification. Her main areas of focus include aerobics, gentle strength training, healthy eating, nutrition, stretching, aging health and Yoga. She has written on a wide variety of health topics, including senior care and healthier eating habits.


550 Projects Completed

Alethea has worked as a Marketing Assistant within a local nonprofit organization and got her degree in advertising. Her understanding of the business world ranges from Millennial workplace trends to HR recruiting tips. She has written for many clients on a variety of business topics, writing in the first, second, or third person voice that the client requests. She enjoys the business world and reads a variety of business blogs, including Business Insider, Forbes, and Entrepreneur to keep on top of the latest industry trends.


453 Projects Completed

Alethea has worked with children since graduating with her B.A. in art in 2009. She has taught art at local nonprofits and helped teach at a nonprofit preschool. She has four children of her own, who certainly shape her understanding of parenthood and early childhood education.

She writes her own blog on parenting and childhood topics, sponsored by brands. Her husband is a high school math teacher and football coach, so she is continually surrounded by conversations of family and issues impacting kids.

As a writer, she covers family blog topics, like parenting, learning, family time and childhood development. She has covered educational topics that range from preschool to postsecondary education.


299 Projects Completed

Alethea has written for office-based clients that range from HR departments to IT. Her range of writing for small-business, medium-business and even enterprise corporations has included projects of all kinds. From email newsletters to corporate blog posts and white papers, Alethea has worked on a wide range of projects and industries. She has logged over 1.5 million paid words including video scripts, product descriptions, landing pages and so much more. With a B.A. in Communication Arts and Graphic Design, Alethea has also pursued additional marketing education to have a deep understanding of target audiences, advertising, metrics, SEO, keywords and other topics important to her business clients.


254 Projects Completed

Alethea has worked with children in nonprofit groups and art camps since 2009. She has four children of her own, so she is highly versed in parenting topics. She writes for clients that want content on early education, creative topics on kid activities, teen behavior, nutrition for kids and so much more. She occasionally writes her own blog for fun on kids' crafts, activities, parenting topics and more.


191 Projects Completed

The fashion industry is a quickly changing whirlwind of style and trend. Alethea is talented in researching and discovering the latest direction of designer fads in the world of luxury and glamour. Her understanding of fashion and the industry direction is backed by an in-depth education in art and design.

Alethea enjoys art and that spills right into personal style and fashion. Her appreciation for fashion started with her love for Barbies at a young age and just kept right on moving through her Vogue magazine phase in high school and current interest in Instagram.

From chic hair styles to exquisite jewelry to the latest runway lines, Alethea has enjoyed writing many newsflash pieces and industry leading blog articles. Her perspective can look at fashion from a young and dynamic perspective, photographic standpoint, artistic critique, product review, trending tips, or even therapeutic aspects.

Fashion is ever-changing and her eye for color, photography, textures and shapes is quick to catch details and patterns hitting the runways or racks. If you are looking for a freelance fashion writer, Alethea can help you out!


162 Projects Completed

Alethea has worked as a Graphic Designer for a small design agency, in-house for a nonprofit company and as a self-employed freelancer. She has experience with web design, creating site strategies and developing branded content to appeal to her clients' target audiences. She is able to write and edit HTML, creating entire websites from scratch. She has worked directly with printers to design and realize marketing and advertising materials. Among other projects, Alethea has written and structured a 38-page booklet used to explain a nonprofit company's work to judges, case workers and lawyers. She completed her B.A. in Communication Arts and Graphic Design from the University of Saint Francis in 2009 with high honors.


113 Projects Completed

Alethea works as a fitness instructor at the YMCA for seniors. She is certified in Fitness Instructing and as a Silver Sneakers instructor. Alethea also has to keep her First Aid and CPR certifications from the American Red Cross up-to-date. She spends multiple times throughout the week helping specific Y members with fitness and strength.

She brings that knowledge of wellness to her work as a freelancer, writing for a number of clients with wellness or fitness topics to cover.


67 Projects Completed

Alethea enjoys topics that involved cooking, creativity in the kitchen, gardening and health. She has explored a healthy Keto diet on her own and believes in the value of fresh vegetables straight from the ground. She has written for a number of clients that sell quality supplement drinks, nutrition plans and more.

Home Living

57 Projects Completed

Alethea has personal experience on a wide variety of home projects as a homeowner. She has written extensively on DIY home design projects, professional repair services, hostess tips, and much more in the home living industry.


55 Projects Completed

With her degree in Communications Art, Alethea chose a minor in Illustration and a primary focus on Children's Book Illustration. While in college, she volunteered at the Boys and Girls Clubs and then went on to work for them as the Art Director after graduation. She then moved on to work as a Marketing Assistant for another local nonprofit company helping children and families in need.

Alethea is now married and has two kids of her own. She enjoys writing practical, interesting and informative articles that on topics that enrich family life. Alethea has written about products important for families and children, relationship experience, family activities, recipes, housekeeping tips, children's education and much more.


46 Projects Completed

Alethea grew up on the edge of the country, one foot in city life and one foot firmly planted in the dirt of cornfields. She has several squarefoot garden in her own backyard where she packs in the vegetables, herbs and flowers. She writes about planting tactics and advice on her own blog.

Alethea firmly believes that everyone should be growing some form of their own food, whether it's as patio potters or large traditional plots that require tilling. Growing things requires a learning curve and growing our own food is a key skill many are losing. She focuses much of her own blog on encouraging people to try seeds because growing fresh food provides healthy food options, is good for the environment and provides an incredible learning experience for kids.

Blog Post

3,645 Projects Completed

Businesses use blog posts to attract new viewers to their web site and build trust with content that is relevant to their target audience, interesting and accurate. Alethea has written thousands of blog posts for hundreds of clients with a 99% success rate since starting as a freelance writer in 2013. Before working as a freelance writer, she wrote blog articles for a nonprofit company, retelling success stories, outlining services and announcing events to increase website traffic.

With a background in marketing and advertising, she is able to match brand voice, appeal to the ideal target audience and research articles that have proven very valuable for her clients. Alethea has gained hundreds of "Exceeds" ratings for her 6-star work on articles that span a very wide number of industries.

Alethea has experience writing for a wide range of topics and industries with a deep understanding of branding and target audience. She typically writes posts that range from 1000-3,000 words. She has written long-form content as well, with in-depth posts reaching as high as 12,000 words. You may see her work on the WriterAccess blog where she is an attributed author with over 80 published articles.

Contact Alethea today for support with content topic suggestions, keyword research and engaging articles designed for your brand and appealing to your audience.


762 Projects Completed

Alethea has written a varitey of news articles and newsletter articles for her clients. Her previous job as a Marketing Assistant for a nonprofit company meant she wrote many articles for donor newsletters, donor request letters, staff newsletters and more. Her primary job was to write and edit content that appealed to the target audience of the organization. Now, she applies that same understanding of target audiences and well-researched articles as she works for a variety of clients spanning many industries. She earned her B.A. in advertising and design, gaining additional educational knowledge on marketing along the way. All of this backs up her ability to write excellent articles on nearly any subject.

Product Description

157 Projects Completed

Alethea writes professional, concise and search engine optimized (SEO) product descriptions. Her background in graphic design, advertising and marketing is a great asset in this category.

Newsletter Content

91 Projects Completed

Many articles are specifically designed to reach out to the customer through an email or print newsletter. Alethea is skilled at creating article summaries or full articles to be included in a newsletter. Her work with nonprofit organizations included writing content for numerous newsletter publications that were sent out for the donors, clients and staff.

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