Time-Saving Tips to Optimize Content for Search Engines AND Readers

Optimized content matters. Readers need to know quickly whether your content is something they want to read. Search engines need to know how to categorize what you have to say. 

By following these time-saving tips, you can optimize your content efficiently for both search engines and readers. Here are the main areas to consider, so your content stands out in all the right ways.

Develop Seamless Keyword Integration

One of the top features of optimized content is the seamless integration of your keywords. Any keywords you use in your content should fit naturally, and read well. If you just stuff keywords in, hoping to rank highly in search engines, you’re not going to get the results you’re looking for.

Not only do search engines penalize you for keyword stuffing, but readers aren’t going to be happy with you, either. When readers find your content, they want to learn something, be entertained, or otherwise get value from it. 

Poorly worded sentences full of awkward keywords mean readers probably won’t come back to your site in the future.

Pick Good Title and Meta Tags

Title and meta tags are among the top features of optimized content. You can set these tags to be anything you want, and they should help clarify what your content is about. 

A title tag can match the actual title of your content, or you can create an alternate title and use that.

Your meta tag needs to provide the most important information about your content. Often, companies will use meta tags for a short explanation, their company name, and highly relevant keywords. Since this tag shows up as the description under the title in search engine rankings, you want it to give readers plenty of knowledge.

optimized content

Choose a Great URL

When you create a piece of content, make sure the URL that links to its page conveys what the content is about. The URL is another element search engines review when categorizing content, so you can use the URL as a way to improve your ranking. 

A lot of URLs use the title of the content or a shortened version of that title that uses just the main words.

Your readers may not look at the URL that closely, but having a good one makes it easier for readers who search for articles like yours to find your content amid competition. For readers who do look at the URL, it makes more sense if what they see in the URL field matches what they see for the title of the content itself.

Create a Readable Page Layout, Including H1s, H2s, and Bullets

As you move through and consider all the top features of optimized content, you need to have a strong focus on readability. That means not just great sentences, but also an easy-to-follow layout. 

By making use of H1s, H2s, and bullet points, you can break up the content and make it skimmable.

Readers need content they can look through quickly. They want short paragraphs, headings that are clear and direct, and a way to find the most valuable parts of the content, especially if it’s long-form. 

When you provide readers with a quick and easy layout, they’ll be more likely to read what you have to say.

Select Strategic Images and Videos

To provide readers and search engines with high-quality content, you need more than just words. When you add images and videos, you give search engines more to categorize and readers more to experience. 

Search engines will look at the tags for any images and videos you include, so make sure to use those tags and be clear in your explanations.

For readers, alt tags are important for anyone who’s using a screen reader or is visually impaired. These tags tell people what the images look like, or what the video is about. 

When you choose videos and images as part of your content strategy, focus on their relevance. Readers will quickly get frustrated if you’re asking them to watch a video that doesn’t relate to your content.

Include Relevant and High-Authority Links

Linking to high-authority sites is another one of the top features of optimized content. Search engines love good backlinks to strong, well-performing sites. These links help your content rank more highly, so more readers can find it. 

Make sure any links you include:

  • Are to trusted sites
  • Go to the page you’re referencing, not just a company homepage 
  • Work correctly when clicked

Not every reader is going to click the links in your content, but many of them will. You want to make sure those who use your links will find good information, come away learning more than they knew before and be able to easily locate what you’re trying to show them. 

Irrelevant or non-working links can leave readers feeling confused, and like you wasted their time.

When you consider all the top features of optimized content and put the tips discussed here into practice, you can expect better search engine rankings and more reader engagement. That can translate into a higher readership and a better bottom line with more subscriptions, sales, and additional interest in what your company offers.

The easiest way to make sure you have optimized content you can be proud of is to let the professionals handle it for you. If you’re ready to take your content to the next level, we’re here to help. Sign up for a free trial of the WriterAccess platform today, and let us create and optimize content that will have search engines ranking you highly and readers coming back for more.