Michelle specializes in real estate, law, business, SEO/marketing, home improvement/DIY, gardening/plants, healthcare (including mental health), and family/relationships. She is a strong researcher and fact-finder, and available for work on a wide variety of topics in addition to her areas of specialization.
She focuses on articles, webpages, blog posts, and white papers, but is also highly capable in other content areas such as social media and product descriptions.
Michelle has many interests, both in her writing and in her personal life. These interests include golf, real estate, business & finance, law, home improvement, music, DIY, nature, jellyfish and marine life, trains, motorcycles, mental health, health and fitness, and family matters.
Michelle received her MA in Communication from Southern New Hampshire University on June 1, 2021.
Michelle's study in the field of business provided her with the required knowledge and experience to start her own freelance writing business, which has been a success for more than 20 years.
Michelle completed her bachelor's degree in 2000, and has used the knowledge she gained while working on it to provide quality legal articles to hundreds of clients since that time.
Michelle's work as a licensed Realtor helped prepare her to write real estate articles for numerous clients. She has also been a landlord, and has renovated houses. By having a good background in a number of different types of real estate scenarios, she is able to offer strong insight into home ownership and rental property management.
Michelle has worked as a paralegal, and written numerous legal articles for clients all over the country. She has also created white papers and legal briefs for law firms and companies. She writes primarily on divorce and family law, but has also written on DUI, criminal cases, and other legal concerns.
Michelle has reviewed concept cars, as well as both new and used cars available on the market today. In her more than 15 years as a freelance writer, she has also provided content on choosing the right car or truck, whether to select a hybrid, and which car insurance is right for a particular person's needs. Going green, fuel economy, and other car-related issues have been part of her resume, as has producing ad copy for both new and used car dealers.
As a self-employed freelancer and a writer for companies and individuals across the globe, Michelle has more than two decades of experience writing for and about businesses large and small. She has written about everything from how-to issues for gig workers just starting out all the way through growth and development strategies for multi-national companies.
Michelle has been a contributor to business and finance websites, and has provided numerous articles, blog posts, and web pages for finance clients. These works have included information on both personal and business-related finance topics such as managing and reducing debt, creating a home or small business budget, and credit counseling.
Michelle has written a number of articles on educational opportunities and the careers that can be entered into after attaining specific degrees. Additionally, she has written on loans, grants, and scholarships that can be used to help fund further education.
During more than 15 years as a freelance writer, Michelle has created product descriptions, reviewed products, written standard and SEO articles, and created blog posts about appliances. She has written on large items like washers, dryers, and refrigerators, along with creating content focused on smaller items such as microwaves, blenders, and toasters.
When it comes to personal fulfillment and economic security, it is important to choose the right career. Michelle has provided content for a number of clients who assist others in finding the career that is right for them. Her work has involved career profiles, information about specific businesses, and articles that focus on personality types as they relate to particular careers.
Michelle's experience in the banking sector includes writing about choosing the best credit union or bank, along with selecting the right debit or credit card. She also writes about business banking, as most businesses have very different needs from individuals.
Michelle has both professional and personal experience with life's struggles and how those problems are often used to help a person grow and develop better mental and emotional health. She has written numerous articles and other works in the self help genre, to provide hope for those who are struggling with a number of different types of life issues.
Michelle has experience taking manuscripts from first draft through to published content. As a past editor with an internet publishing company, Michelle's experience has provided knowledge and insight she has used to write about all aspects of traditional and self-publishing options.
As a recovering people-pleaser as well as a writer with over 15 years of experience, Michelle has both professional and personal experience dealing with all types of relationships. She has not only experienced issues in her own life, but she has written about codependency and a number of other mental health issues for clients all over the world.
Michelle has focused much of her gardening expertise on growing plants in small spaces, but has also written about large-scale gardening and farming. Plants with special requirements are a specialty of Michelle's, as she is fascinated by the complex methods that can be used to help some plants flourish.
Michelle has written numerous blogs for clients. This has allowed her to express her opinion on a number of subjects, and also write factual pieces, depending on the needs of the client. Blogging provides a personal connection with the reader that Michelle strives for in her writing.
Michelle works primarily as a ghostwriter for others. The majority of the articles she creates fall in the range of 500 to 2000 words, but she also creates shorter pieces and much longer works - including some that are book length.
Michelle has produced web page content for doctors, realtors, attorneys, insurance providers, technology entrepreneurs, and other professionals around the country. She works with nearly all types of companies to produce high-quality content for their websites, helping them to put their best foot forward for their customers.
Michelle has ghostwritten full-length as well as smaller ebooks. She generally focuses her efforts on a few specific subjects, but her diverse skill set and wide range of interests allows her to expand into other areas depending on the needs of the client.
Michelle is the author of two full-length books currently available, as well as more than a dozen ebooks that are no longer in print. She has also ghostwritten several books for clients on topics such as mental health, technology, and the human experience.