Three Ways to Share Your Handmade Merchandise Passion When You Hire Consumer Goods Writers

Selling Handmade Products with a Consumer Goods WriterSelling your handmade merchandise online allows you to make a living or extra spending money as you do something you love. Love and passion won’t sell your handmade merchandise, though. In addition to clear pictures, you need enticing product descriptions that tell a story and convince potential customers that they need the items you make.

But what if you’re not a skilled writer? Don’t rely solely on pictures to sell your products and don’t fill your website or online store with descriptions that include grammatical mistakes and misspellings. Instead, hire consumer goods writers who make your products come to life and increase sales and traffic to your online store. Three tips enable you to share your passion for your handmade merchandise with the consumer goods writers you hire.

Hire Experienced Writers

Not every content writer can produce persuasive product descriptions. You’ll want to hire someone with experience and a proven track record. To find out if the writers who apply to work with you are experts, check out their resume, which will include links to their professional websites and Google Plus or LinkedIn accounts. Use the information you find on those websites to decide which writers are qualified to write for you.

You’ll also want to check out applicants’ previous work. If their writing samples or product descriptions written for other clients includes a stiff, technical tone, they probably won’t use the flowery language you desire for your products.

Provide a Website

The consumer goods writers you hire want to do a good job for you. Help them succeed when you share your website and any product URLs. As the writers see examples of your work, they gain an accurate overview of the merchandise you’re trying to sell. That overview makes their job easier and ensures your products are described with accuracy and the passion they deserve.

Be Willing to Communicate

Yes, you’re busy crafting unique jewelry or building heirloom furniture, but your writers can’t do their job until you tell them what you need. Institute an open door policy that invites your writers to ask questions or clarify directions. Answer emails promptly and provide positive feedback. Your friendly and regular communication helps your writers do their job and motivates them to do their best for you.

Passion for your handcrafted merchandise shines through the beautiful finished products you sell. Your product descriptions should match. So, carefully choose experienced writers and communicate your passion clearly with them. Hire consumer goods writers today, and watch your handmade merchandise business thrive.

Jennifer T is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

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