Jennifer T
Writer #3963
Joined 8/24/2011
6 Star Rating
100% Success
17,246 Projects
97 Endorsements
2 Elite Skills
For 20 years, Jennifer has written articles, blog posts, product descriptions, speeches, curriculum, and journalistic pieces for individuals, small business owners, national brands, and international clients. She is skilled in SEO, inserting keywords naturally, adding relevant hyperlinks, writing blogs, completing engaging business websites, and matching the client's required tone.
Jennifer's specialty topics include spirituality, education, business, home living, kids and family, finance, self help, and women. She also enjoys researching and writing about nearly any topic.
In addition to writing full-time, she parents two teens, cares for a son with autism, plays guitar in church, and scrapbooks family memories.
Product Description
Self Help
Non Profit
Email Copy
27 More


Jennifer specializes in writing articles, blogs, product descriptions, and web pages. She particularly enjoys writing about spirituality, parenting, kids, and home living. With a passion to learn, she eagerly researches any topic as she writes content that matches the client's requested tone. She's also skilled at adding keywords naturally and inserting relevant links and images.


An entrepreneur since childhood, Jennifer appreciates promoting small businesses. She is also passionate about self development and studies the Enneagram. In her free time, Jennifer pursues personal development, scrapbooks family memories, plays guitar in church, and spends time caring for her family, including a child with autism.


Lancaster Bible College

Committed to education, Jennifer T. earned a Bachelor's Degree in Bible with a concentration in Christian Education so that she could teach children and adults. After college, she homeschooled her children for several years. She currently uses her degree to write curriculum and other educational content and to ensure that her children receive the best education possible in public and virtual school.

Jerusalem University College

A traveler at heart, Jennifer eagerly pursued the opportunity to study overseas as a college student. At JUC, she met students from around the world as she lived, studied and toured in Israel, Jordan, Sinai and Egypt. As a result of her international experience, she enjoys writing travel articles and blogs while encouraging others to travel as often as possible.

Enneagram Prison Project

The Enneagram is a tool that helps people understand how they interact with the world and interpret their emotions. The Enneagram Prison Project (EPP) seeks to free people from the prisons of their own making. Jennifer has completed two portions of the Guide training program and volunteers regularly with EPP. In this role, she can teach the Enneagram to incarcerated individuals and others plus offer coaching.


1,839 Projects Completed

Jennifer specializes in writing engaging and accurate web pages, blogs and articles for a variety of insurance agents. She regularly covers personal, commercial and other insurance products. Additionally, she owns personal life, homeowners and auto insurance policies, as well as several business policies. She's experienced at comparing insurance coverage options and regularly consults with her local agent.


720 Projects Completed

Jennifer taught children in classroom and church settings before she had children of her own. She homeschooled her children for seven years until her neurotypical daughter chose to transition to public school and her son with autism began attending a special needs school. With her life and practical experience, Jennifer writes parenting blogs, articles, essays and curriculum for study groups, parents and educators.

Home Living

704 Projects Completed

Home comprises more than a place to eat and sleep. Home evokes memories of childhood and gives a person a safe place to relax and unwind. Jennifer keeps these facts in mind as she writes blogs and articles about home living. She covers topics like entertaining, organizing, decorating, landscaping and maintenance.


610 Projects Completed

Part of every home, appliances make life easier. Jennifer writes product descriptions and other content that shares information about refrigerators, washing machines, HVAC systems, air filters and other appliances.


584 Projects Completed

Writing about mental health, diet, nutrition, exercise and addiction, Jennifer T. helps men, women and children learn how to care for their bodies. Her health writing resume includes primarily blog posts and journalistic articles that seek to educate and encourage families to eat better, exercise more, take on healthy habits, fight addictions and live healthier and longer lives. She regularly ghostblogs for several addiction rehab centers.


419 Projects Completed

Everyone makes and spends money, but not everyone manages money wisely. Through blogs, articles and social media posts, Jennifer has worked to educate consumers about financial issues. Wise money management, investing for retirement, talking together as a couple regarding the family budget, and budgeting for emergencies remain a few topics she has addressed in the past month. In addition to writing about finances, she served as the chief financial officer of a local small business for 9 years.


377 Projects Completed

As a Christian education major in college, Jennifer T. received professional training for a career in the educational field. In addition to homeschooling her children, she has worked as a parachurch educator for children, teens and adults and is a certified English as a Second Language teacher. She has written numerous essays, blogs and articles about education. Her favorite topics educate teachers and encourage students of all grade levels and academic abilities.


337 Projects Completed

Projects sometimes traverse multiple categories or are so unique that they can't fit into a mold. Jennifer has written numerous such blogs, articles and other pieces. She's an experienced writer in many different fields and will research almost any topic as she prepares content that fits best into the "Other" category.


286 Projects Completed

Marketing content allows a business of any size to share its strengths and address its customer's needs. From blogs and emails to descriptions and articles, Jennifer prepares authoritative and concise marketing content. As a small business owner, she uses her experience and passion to market each client's company as if it were her own.


273 Projects Completed

After living in the Middle East and traveling to Ecuador and across the U.S., Jennifer writes authoritatively to fellow travel enthusiasts and tourists. In addition to offering practical advice about overseas living, she also writes destination and tour descriptions, packing and travel tips, and budgeting and survival tips for vacation travel.


271 Projects Completed

Jennifer T started singing in preschool and performed regularly with her mom on church and local stages. She sang her way into talent shows, took a few years of piano lessons and taught herself to play guitar. Her music writing projects include marketing for musicians, descriptions of lessons for several instruments and informational articles about the importance of music to the soul.


253 Projects Completed

As a small business owner since she was a little girl, Jennifer understands the ins and outs of business ownership. With her experience, she writes regularly about issues relating to business start-ups, financing, partnership, marketing, and customer relations. Additionally, she enjoys writing about work at home business ownership, one of her true passions.


205 Projects Completed

Jennifer T. loves Jesus and writes about how He has changed her life and shows up in her world each day. Her personal work includes blogs and social media posts about her semester living in Israel, marriage to a substance abuse addict, mother to a child with autism, mother to a child with mental health challenges, and life as a recovering codependent.
In addition to her personal experiences, Jennifer writes web pages, blog posts, product descriptions, motivational essays, meditations, "how-to" articles, devotionals, book reviews, and Bible studies for a variety of clients, including publishers, missions organizations and Christian business owners. She holds a Bible college degree and knows how to craft content that's biblically accurate. Her specialties include matching the client's requested tone, connecting personally to the audience, adding keywords seamlessly, and praying over every word she writes.

Non Profit

135 Projects Completed

While working for six years at a non-profit rescue mission, Jennifer developed a passion for promoting non-profit companies. She writes everything from brochures to emails for mission organizations, community charities and a variety of other non-profit industries.

Self Help

128 Projects Completed

As an introvert, Enneagram 5 and recovering perfectionist, Jennifer specializes in self-analysis and introspection. She reads multitudes of self-help books and uses her knowledge to write articles, essays, blogs, and tips on relationships, psychological topics, character, and success.
In addition to her writing work, Jennifer has worked as a professional biblical counselor and social worker, helping people understand themselves and the world around them. She is also involved in Celebrate Recovery and mental health advocacy.


128 Projects Completed

Organization, leadership, inner office relationships, and character remain relevant topics to any office environment, whether home or corporate. Jennifer writes articles, essays, and blogs about these office topics. Additionally, she writes about the solutions to personality clashes and differing leadership styles that can cause office discord.


126 Projects Completed

As a woman and an educator, Jennifer takes every opportunity to encourage and teach women. She writes about topics like women's health and wellness, mental health, child rearing, marriage, friendships, homemaking, infertility, sexual awareness, femininity, and parent/child relationships. With these topics, she has written essays, blogs, how-to, tips, and articles for a variety of private and online customers.


102 Projects Completed

For the hospitality niche, including hotels and dining establishments, Jennifer writes compelling, convincing and entertaining web copy. She specializes in helping businesses sell their services while giving consumers insight into available activities, entertainment and lodging.


91 Projects Completed

Jennifer is passionate about fueling her body with whole foods, and she spends countless hours teaching her children the rules of proper nutrition. She shares her knowledge and passion when writing articles, essays and blog posts. Additionally, she has written articles describing domestic and international companies that grow, produce, or sell food products around the globe.

Real Estate

91 Projects Completed

Jennifer T. has written web content about real estate topics for several websites. She enjoys discussing various topics, such as caring for a home, home security and home maintenance. In addition to owning her own home, Jennifer also avidly watches DIY television and helps her husband perform routine maintenance and repairs in their home.


81 Projects Completed

Marriage, parenting, childhood, friendship, social, business, and codependent relationships have been the focus of articles, essays, and blogs Jennifer has written. She mostly writes about issues facing women and children and draws on her wealth of professional training and experience in the fields of social work and counseling.


81 Projects Completed

Jennifer has written dozens of career summaries and has written professionally about a variety of career-related topics, including tips for choosing a career and how to switch careers. She also wrote an entire series on how to choose, start and run a home based business.


74 Projects Completed

Jennifer T grew up on a farm and helped in the family garden since she could walk. From digging holes to harvesting the delicious and fresh produce, she participated in every aspect of the growing process. Today, she gardens with her children and tends a flower bed filled with annuals, perennials, roses and shrubs. Getting her hands dirty and passing on the fun hobby to her children are two of her favorite hobbies, and she enjoys writing about various gardening topics. Her portfolio includes articles about irrigation methods, planting techniques and DIY garden tips.


72 Projects Completed

As a child of dairy farmers, Jennifer T. grew up around agriculture and studied animal science for two years at Delaware Valley College. As a Dairy Princess and FFA officer during high school, she wrote numerous speeches about farms and crops, press releases about upcoming promotional events, the benefits of agriculture to a community and the economic impact of agricultural related industries.


65 Projects Completed

From cats, dogs and hamsters to cows, sheep and birds, Jennifer has owned and cared for many pet species and breeds. She enjoys writing about pet care, how to choose the best pet for the family and the best ways to help different pet species adjust to each other.

Green Living

60 Projects Completed

Educated citizens preserve the global environment when they educate themselves and others about conservation and recycling. Green living enables humans to use resources wisely in ways that protect the planet. Jennifer has written articles, blogs and essays packed with tips that encourage private citizens and business owners to live green.


50 Projects Completed

Born on a dairy farm, Jennifer T grew up working, playing and living outdoors. She's also an experienced fisher and hunter with trophies to prove her expertise. She appreciates sharing her love of nature with friends and family by camping, hiking, 4-wheeling and playing outdoors year round.


39 Projects Completed

Vitamins, minerals, and whole foods fuel our bodies. Women especially hold keys to the health of the nation's population as they influence their families and friends. Jennifer writes articles, blogs and tips that encourage women to choose healthy foods by making small but influential changes in meal preparation and food choices for the health of families and a nation.


37 Projects Completed

As a necessary part of life, shopping anchors the local and national economies. Jennifer enjoys writing about ways consumers can save money while shopping. From online daily deal sites to retail store sales to couponing, she writes blogs, articles and tips that make shopping simple and affordable.


24 Projects Completed

In her free time, Jennifer relaxes with a variety of crafts. She cross-stitches pillows, paints flower pots and decorates scrapbooks. She passes on her love for all things crafty to her children.

Blog Post

3,080 Projects Completed

Blog posts give Jennifer an opportunity to discuss products, viewpoints and other topics in a conversational style. She has written blogs for numerous clients on topics that include product descriptions, outdoor living, moving, finances, parenting and self improvement. Her personal blog discusses educational, parenting and spiritual topics.

Facebook Post

2,060 Projects Completed

Jennifer writes regular Facebook posts for several companies, and she interacts daily with her own Facebook audience. With experience and skill, she specializes in creating concise and engaging posts that include keywords and attract engagement.


1,693 Projects Completed

Longer articles allow Jennifer to explore the subject matter in a logical way and add research and facts as needed. She thrives on writing in an organized manner and in creating easy to read articles that fit the audience. She can write for any audience and style, from educational to lighthearted.

Product Description

1,138 Projects Completed

Jennifer specializes in product descriptions that are accurate and engaging. She has written descriptions for everything from furniture to fashion and appreciates the opportunity to create unique descriptions of any product.

Web Page

514 Projects Completed

Jennifer understands the importance of optimized and engaging web pages. She has written Home, About and Services pages for dozens of local businesses and national brands.

Twitter Post

348 Projects Completed

Jennifer specializes in writing short Twitter posts that introduce a blog, summarize an article and leave readers wanting more. She writes Twitter posts for national and international clients.

Email Copy

151 Projects Completed

Email content grabs readers' attention, makes special offers or answers questions. Jennifer appreciates learning more about a company or business and then creating emails that reflect their needs.

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