The Writing Connection: Lovers, Dreamers and Marketing Agencies

Marketing ConnectionsCreating content is problem solving by nature. Many marketing agencies make a name as online content providers because they offer solutions to clients who need content but don’t have the time or the budget to produce it in-house. A client who can count on a marketing agency to build up their name and their brand will find value in turning over their content production needs to that agency.

The primary goal for a marketing agency should always be to help clients feel like their services are indispensible. Your agency can do several things to show potential clients why they should make a writing connection with you.

Offer content options

Henry Ford used to say people could get a Model T in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. Such an attitude does not work well in content production. Marketing agencies win clients by offering tons of options in their content services. Some clients just want weekly entries for their blog. Other clients want a content production service that takes care of their entire website. Provide multiple production options for clients, so you can tailor your services to fit their needs.

Demonstrate a good track record

Positive word of mouth will create demand for your marketing agency’s services. Obtain testimonials from current and past clients and offer them to prospective clients. These testimonials can highlight what your agency offers in terms of content production. Clients want to see a marketing agency with a track record for meeting deadlines, producing original content and offering long-term informational value in each piece of content. Treat each client as if your business hinges on them alone, because in some ways it does.

Showcase problem solving skills

Clients want to know how hiring your marketing agency will benefit them. How will it expand their reach within their industry? What will it do to boost their image with their target audience? Will it improve the bottom line for their business? You can provide answers to these type of questions by showing how you can solve their problems. Offer examples of the type of content you provide to clients on your website. Show how that content had a positive impact in helping them gain increased brand awareness. Tangible results enhance your chances of landing a client.

Offer unique value

Nothing is as good for business as the ability to offer something different from the competition. What does your marketing agency do that is your trademark specialty? Some agencies are better equipped to serve the medical industry. Others may specialize in helping small businesses. Play to your strengths and pursue clients who need expertise within the niche you serve. It helps to offer unique value to a smaller group of clients than to spread your agency to thin trying to serve everyone under the sun. You can build up experience and trust within specific industries and create more stability in content production for both your agency and your clients.

John C is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

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