No More Missed Connections: How a Content Marketing Calendar Helps You Win Buyers’ Hearts

155771048You: surfer who searched for spring HVAC maintenance before landing on our blog. You arrived, but you bounced right away. We know that we have exactly the service you’re looking for, but you left too soon. Can we reconnect?

Have you ever wondered how many customers you aren’t snagging because they don’t click with your content? If you handle criminal law, are they leaving because all they see on your blog is DUI? How can you ensure that you are sending out the right signals to make that connection with a prospect who comes across your blog?

A content marketing calendar is a great way to ensure that your site shows off all of your assets to your best advantage. To put this tool to work for you:

1. Make a list of all your services.

Then, compare it to your content to make sure that all of what you offer is featured in your campaigns. If you find specialties that have been given short shrift, schedule content that can spotlight those services.

2. Create buyer personas.

These are semi-fictional characters that represent specific customer types who patronize your business. They are assigned demographic qualities like age and income bracket, as well as qualities based on what their current needs might be. Knowing who these customers are allows you to create content that speaks to them in their language. By addressing them directly, you can create a rapport and form a relationship.

3. Write content for buyers at each stage of the buyer’s journey.

The content that will be useful to a person who is in the discovery phase is been-there/read-that to someone who is ready to make a decision. Note the need for content that speaks to people at each stage and schedule it into your calendar. A great way to do this is to create a blog post series that guides your prospects through each stage, giving them the information they need at every point to see how your product or service satisfies their needs.

4. Don’t just think about blogging.

Many companies wind up with online marketing that is unbalanced. They’ll have a vibrant Twitter following, but completely neglect their company blog. Or, they’ll create a highly viral infographic once, then never do another because of a lack of structure and planning. It takes a mix of content types to successfully market online. By creating a plan and a calendar, you can ensure that all your bases are covered.

Successful online marketing requires constant tending and nurturing. By adding the structure of a content marketing calendar, you can ensure that you are hitting all your bases. You know you’re the one they’re looking for; manage your content so that they’ll know that you’re the one, too.

Lara S is a freelance writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida. She is adept at writing content in niches that include marketing, health, food service and more. Contact her for white papers, ebooks, blog posts and articles.

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