How to Write the Perfect Brochure (Yes, It Exists)

Do you think brochures are just for high school counselors and tourist attractions? Think again! A brochure is a vital piece to add to your marketing repertoire. It is an ideal way to inform your customers and close sales. That is, if you follow the tips I’m about to tell you. Even if you are just planning on using brochure writing services, it is still important that you understand what makes an effective brochure. You would hate to waste all that time and energy on a brochure only to have it end up being used as a fire starter or scratch pad. Here’s what you need to do to write the perfect brochure:

Dumb Yourself Down

It is not that your potential clients are dumb, it is just that they do not work in your industry every day. You need to create a brochure that makes sense to them and is easy to understand. If something is not easily understandable, I can pretty much guarantee they won’t be looking up anything in the dictionary. Nope, instead they will just move on to something else, something that has nothing to do with your company. Ouch.

Grab Attention Quickly

A brochure is just like a person, it only gets one chance to make a good first impression. If your cover is not interesting and does not draw the reader in, you can forget about the inside ever being seen. So how do you make your cover interesting? Focus more on something that will intrigue your client instead of trying to sell your company. Asking questions that pull on the reader’s emotions is always a good way to go. According to, another smart idea is to entice the reader with the promise of saved money or free items if they continue to read the brochure.

Use Captions

What do you do when you first get a brochure? Well, if it held your attention past the cover, you probably scan the pictures. And what do you do when you look at a picture? You read its caption. Take full advantage of these captions and use them to get across your most important messages.

Don’t Forget to Sell

While getting across information is always important, the main point of your brochure is to sell a product or a service. Do not forget this. You should write your brochure copy like you are directly talking to the customer in a sales pitch. Focus on how your product or service can benefit them. Once again, if you pull on their emotions, you are more likely to get a sale. “Can you imagine how much time you will save with this automatic vacuum cleaner? Your kids will sure love getting more Mom time!”

When it comes down to it, your brochure needs to be simple, straight to the point, and entertaining. If you can accomplish these three things, your efforts will not go unnoticed. Your brochure may actually result in sales, imagine that!

Rachel M is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

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