Find Freelance Writers and Other Tips for Avoiding the Winter Business Blahs

Winter Business BlahsAs a small business owner who utilizes the internet to sell your product, advertise your service or simply generate interest about your business, you know how important it is to give your customers what they need in terms of content and information. Sometimes, it is easy to figure out what type of content to post or what to do with your site to accomplish your goals. Around the holidays, it is especially easy! However, after the excitement of the holiday season passes, and before spring rejuvenates things, there is a period where many businesses experience the winter blahs. If you find yourself short on ideas of what to do with your site during this lull in the season, consider these tips for revitalizing things.

Find Freelance Writers for a Jolt of Excitement

Whether you have a blog or just post articles and other information on your page, you probably have a need for content. You may handle some of this writing yourself, or you already have a writer that you use on a regular basis. Even if this is the case, you may find freelance writers make sense. This means another writer is putting his or her perspective on your subject. You may get some different ideas or insights on what’s happening in your industry. Hiring someone to write a guest blog post or to re-do your “About Us” page could be the inspiration you need to make some exciting changes to your page.

Focus on the Next Big Event

While the winter holidays are exciting, there are other big events that you can use to tie into your business too. What about the Super Bowl, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, St. Patricks Day or the upcoming March Madness NCAA playoffs? Or perhaps your company has an anniversary coming up in the future. There are lots of events on the horizon that you can use to get your customers excited. If all else fails, take a page from Google’s Doodles and start celebrating the little day-to-day events that occur each day. One of these can be a great start to a new blog post!

Think Style

It could be that now is the perfect time for a change in design. If you’re bored with the same old same old, maybe trying a new layout, theme, color scheme or even font could be just the thing to get you excited again. Sometimes a little change can make it easy to get excited about working on your page again!

Don’t let the winter blahs get you down! Try something new and revitalize your own interest in your page and business! If you are excited, it will be even easier to get your customers excited too.

Tracy S is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

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