Business as Usual

Planning Holiday BusinessThe holiday season is extremely busy for a majority of individuals. Whether your work involves travel, family coming to visit, extra work at the office or just taking some time for yourself to relax and recuperate, you may find that during the holiday season you want to take a break from the daily grind of updating your business website. If you rely on content marketing and the social media networks to attract new customers and connect with your current ones, you may think that it is impossible to take a holiday break like this. However, if you are willing to make a few preparations, you’ll find that it is possible to detach from your business website and enjoy the holiday season–without losing the web traffic that is important to your bottom line.

  • Find a blogger for hire to keep your blog populated with new content. You can set up an outline of the types of posts you want ahead of time–then all you will need to do is publish the freshly-written content.
  • Along the same lines, take a break from your own blogging and use the holidays to try out some guest bloggers. Many new bloggers will love the exposure that guest blogging on your site can bring.
  • Social media doesn’t have to be too time consuming. You can make short social media posts from your smartphone while you’re waiting in line at the bank or laying in bed in the morning. Additionally, services like HootSuite can automate many of these tasks.
  • Use the holiday season to try something new. Perhaps you’ve considered a podcast or video series. Take a break from the same old and give your visitors something new–it may feel less like work for you too.
  • Utilize more user-generated content. Now would be a great time to post some questions or a survey to get people talking on your social media sites. All the activity will keep you appearing “alive” but not cost you too much time.
  • Plan ahead and hibernate. Perhaps you just want to take a week or two off right around Christmas or Hanukah–most blog programs allow you to schedule posts. You could also schedule social media posting with HootSuite or simply hire a professional to post a few Tweets and Facebook posts. Your customers may never realize you’re gone.

If you don’t mind putting in a little bit of effort ahead of time, you can relax around the holidays and still keep your page feeling fresh. Then, when you are back to normal operations after the first of the year, you’ll find it is that much easier to get right back in the swing of things.

Tracy S is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.

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