3 Ways to Maximize the Mental Health Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

Stress isn’t just annoying; it’s a real threat to our health.

While small amounts of stress are completely normal, people who have chronic stress are at a higher cardiovascular risk and more prone to a wide range of diseases. Chronic stress can also impede recovery from illness, or even physical injury. However, for the modern-day busy professional, stress can seem like just another part of the job description.

Since 2007, the American Psychological Association has conducted a yearly study on Stress in America. The latest iteration of this survey examined how technology and social media has impacted Americans’ stress levels. The results weren’t good, especially for people who were “constantly checking electronic devices” and social media channels. But whether you’re a CEO or the head of content marketing for your comapany, these practices are often unavoidable.

So, how do you improve your mental health without seeing your job performance suffer?

It’s simple: hire freelancers online to automate your content creation. By following these tips, you’ll reap the most benefits–both professionally and personally.

How to Maximize the Mental Health Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

1. Create a Team

While we’re proud of all of our writers here at WritersAccess, everyone has different strengths and styles. Our Love List feature allows you to create a team of writers who know how to represent your brand and understand the types of projects you have to complete. When you need content written, you can just send it out to the list. Then the first available writer–one that you already know is perfect for the job–can pick it up.

When you work regularly with the same group of talented writers, everything is easier. You’ll find that writers won’t need extensive instructions for future projects. They can anticipate what you’re looking for and may even pitch you great ideas that will be the basis for future projects.

2. Use Pitches to Bring in New and Creative Ideas

That brings us directly to the next tip. Skip the creativity burn-out–nobody needs that! When you need help nailing down specific blog post topics or find that your ideas are becoming stale or repetitive, turn to our writers. That’s what they’re there for. Set the project up for pitches, and watch creative ideas pour in.

3. Don’t Sweat the Details; Use Writers Skilled in SEO and Social Media

So, you get great blog posts written, but you constantly find yourself slaving over all the little things that come with publishing content. Adding in SEO, making sure that social media is driving engagement across all platforms… the list goes on.

Simplify for your life by letting writers take over these details. Did you know that you can use our order forms to require writers to weave in keywords and create social media updates for specific platforms? Include these add-ons, and there will be a lot less for you to worry about.

What will you do with the extra time? How about leaving the office on time, turning off your phone, or sitting down to meditate for five minutes. And if meditation isn’t your thing, schedule a massage. Both are great for relieving stress.

About the author

A freelance writer and content strategist for the last eight years, Alexandra M is a highly skilled writer, editor, proofreader and researcher. From an educational background based in English literature and poetry, she brings a deep understanding of the artistic use of language at its most basic level.

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