Patrick R
Writer #9690
Joined 6/22/2014
5 Star Rating
100% Success
5,069 Projects
19 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Patrick has worked as a full-time writer for seven years. He has also worked as a paralegal, civil litigation assistant, workers' compensation claims examiner, office administrator, payroll specialist and tutor. Patrick studied sociology, political science and finance at Tulane University. He earned Tulane's Greater New York Area Scholarship. Patrick also holds an ABA-approved paralegal certificate.

Patrick is always available for direct writing assignments.

According to Writer Access clients, Patrick's work is "of excellent quality," "informative" and "well-written."

Other comments from WriterAccess clients include:

"By far one of my favorite writers. Always the 1st orders I receive back and the content is always informative and of excellent quality. I wish he could write all of my tech articles."

"I only send my orders to Patrick for one of my clients. He is the best-- routinely exceeding expectations, and he is extremely qualified!"

"Great writer! - excellent researcher - He can comfortably write on a number of different subjects or industries. Plan to use Patrick on a number of technical articles in the future."

"Patrick R. is one of the greatest professional writers I ever worked with. He is a serious, talented and hard-working person. I highly recommend him!"

"I needed to release a corporate communication for one of our Law Firm clients, Patrick helped us to put together this announcement in few hours with almost no or little instruction, his writing was so perfect that I got no request for modification from our picky client, and believe me this never happens. We released the memo within 10 min of getting it from Patrick. Perfect work."
High Tech
13 More


Patrick is a full-time freelance writer. He is experienced in creating SEO (search engine optimization) content, copywriting, blogging, web sleuthing and everything involving the written word. In short, Patrick is the digital marketing expert you are looking for. His work experience includes a multitude of jobs ranging from working in a law office as a paralegal to executive support. Patrick is more than happy to provide writing samples upon request.


Patrick writes non-fiction and fiction. He reads everything he can get his hands on. He is also interested in web surfing, sports, sports gambling, social change, vegan cooking, video games and movies. Patrick is a highly spiritual individual. He believes in the presence of a higher power. As evidenced by his volunteerism and veganism, Patrick lives in service of others.


Tulane University

Patrick graduated from Tulane University in 2005. He matriculated at Boston University. Patrick studied sociology, political science and finance. He also holds an ABA-approved Paralegal Certificate from South University.


1,055 Projects Completed

Patrick studied finance at Tulane University and Boston University. He understands the dynamics of the stock market and economics. If you are looking for a talented writer capable of writing about stocks, mutual funds, options trading or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Patrick is your best option. You will not find a more informed cryptocurrency expert. Patrick understands the fundamentals of alternative currencies including blockchain technology.


901 Projects Completed

Patrick is the gearhead you are looking for! He drives a vehicle with a manual transmission. He performs car repairs on his own. Patrick also races vehicles in his spare time. He writes automobile reviews, previews and everything in between. Patrick is especially knowledgeable about automobile technology and autonomous vehicles. Assign automobile-oriented writing projects to Patrick and you will be ecstatic with the results.


576 Projects Completed

Patrick has written countless legal-oriented articles for law firms and legal services providers. He has years of professional experience in the legal field as a paralegal, civil litigation assistant and legal secretary. Patrick has an ABA-approved paralegal certificate in addition to his undergraduate degree. If you are looking for blog posts, home page content or any other legal-oriented content, Patrick should be your writer of choice.


557 Projects Completed

Patrick has written hundreds of business articles. He completed numerous business and finance classes while studying at Boston University and Tulane University. Though Patrick eventually changed his major, he understands business and finance better than most. You can rely on Patrick for your business and marketing pieces. You will not be disappointed with his writing.


350 Projects Completed

Patrick has written articles and reports about all sorts of technologies. He is interested in breakthroughs in consumer electronics as well as technologies that ameliorate business processes. Patrick owns several computers and video game consoles. He is especially interested in the web, inbound marketing, video games and virtual reality. Patrick reads technology blogs on a weekly basis. If you need any sort of tech-oriented article written, Patrick is the writer you are looking for.


306 Projects Completed

Patrick is one of the healthiest people on the planet. He abides by a strict vegan diet. Patrick refrains from using alcohol and drugs. He plays tennis, basketball, pickup football, racquetball and street hockey. Patrick also runs with regularity. He is the health writer you have been looking for.


291 Projects Completed

Patrick is the sports writer you are looking for. He is an avid tennis player, runner, bicyclist and swimmer. Patrick is a football fanatic. He also has a passion for basketball, hockey and baseball. Patrick is particularly interested in sports gambling. He understands the language of sports betting from parlays to moneylines, spreads, covers, teasers and beyond. He follows the major sports closely enough to provide unique sports gambling insight and information-driven picks. You will not find a better sports gambling writer than Patrick.


171 Projects Completed

Patrick's life is dominated by electronics. He spends the majority of his time on screens, from laptop and desktop computers to video game consoles, virtual reality consoles, smartphones and beyond. Patrick is especially passionate about computers and video games. If you need anything written relating to electronics, Patrick is the writer you are looking for.

High Tech

169 Projects Completed

Patrick prides himself on staying current with technology. He enjoys virtual reality, the latest video games, computers, the web and anything else tech-related. If you have tech-oriented projects to be written, look no further than Patrick R. You will be ecstatic with his work.


113 Projects Completed

Patrick understands the nuances of marketing and advertising. He has his finger on the pulse of inbound marketing techniques. He also understands traditional outbound marketing approaches as well. If you have marketing-related projects or a product/service to sell, Patrick is the writer you are looking for. Rely on Patrick's SEO expertise, sales acumen and social media prowess and your bottom line will benefit. Patrick also understands the nuances of landing pages, pillar pages and email marketing/drip campaigns.


103 Projects Completed

Patrick studied political science at Tulane University. He is capable of writing from a liberal, conservative, libertarian and Marxist perspective. Patrick stays up-to-date with current events. He always tries to understand political issues from a multitude of perspectives. Patrick is the politics writer you are looking for!


84 Projects Completed

Patrick is the food writer you are looking for. Food is one of his primary passions. He has abided by a strict vegan diet for five years. Patrick became a vegetarian way back in 2005 after graduating from Tulane University. He cooks the vast majority of his own meals. Patrick also cooks dishes with meat and animal by-products for his grandparents.


67 Projects Completed

Patrick knows more about nutrition than most. He credits his to transition to veganism with his strong interest in nutrition. From vitamins to minerals, supplements, electrolytes and beyond, Patrick understands the nuances of nutrition. He knows exactly how certain foods, beverages and vitamins interact with human biology. You will not find a more informed and passionate nutrition writer than Patrick.


58 Projects Completed

Patrick studied political science and sociology at Tulane University. He understands the dynamics of government at the federal, state and local levels. He can write from a liberal, conservative, libertarian and Marxist point of view. Furthermore, Patrick stays up-to-date with current events relating to government, politics and society.


58 Projects Completed

Patrick is the travel writer of your dreams. Transience is his norm. Patrick has lived in Buffalo, Boston, New Orleans, Austin, Geneva, Las Vegas and Columbia, SC. Patrick has driven across the country several times. In terms of international travel, Patrick has visited the Cayman Islands and Canada. If you need a travel article about a destination in the United States or abroad, you will not find a better writer than Patrick R.


39 Projects Completed

Patrick has a genuine passion for fitness and health. He has held a gym membership for decades. Patrick runs, lifts weights, plays tennis and swims. He also credits Nintendo's Wii Fit U for keeping him in tip-top shape. If you are looking for any fitness, nutrition or sports-related content, you will be pleased with Patrick's content.

Web Development

38 Projects Completed

Patrick has read and written extensively about web development. His only sibling works in web development so he has an industry expert at his disposal in case any challenges or questions about your web development pieces arise. Let Patrick write your web development pieces and you will find his sincere passion for information architecture is reflected in his writing. From landing pages to pillar pages and beyond, Patrick has all the subtleties of web development and marketing mastered.


36 Projects Completed

Patrick has worked in several office environments. From law offices to legal process service offices, McDonald's corporate offices and beyond, Patrick has a breadth of experience. He used all sorts of office equipment, computer hardware and computer software before becoming a full-time writer.


35 Projects Completed

Patrick holds all animals in high regard. He has a dog and a cat. Patrick has cared for Maine Coon cats, Siamese cats, Newfoundland dogs and fish. He holds Newfoundland dogs in high regard. Patrick cares so deeply for animals that he went vegan in 2013. If you need anything written pertaining to pets, Patrick's work will exceed your expectations.


26 Projects Completed

Patrick is an avid gamer. He plays PC games and traditional video games on regular TV screens. Patrick plays everything from the Nintendo Switch to Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and beyond. His favorite games include Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Maker, Madden football, Halo, The Art of Balance and just about anything sports-related. You will be hard-pressed to find a better writer for your gaming content.


19 Projects Completed

Patrick is a highly spiritual individual. He believes in the presence of a higher power, alternate dimensions, the etheric self and the astral body. Tom Montalk's Fringe Knowledge for Beginners is one of Patrick's favorite books. As evidenced by his volunteerism and veganism, Patrick lives his life in service of others. His spirituality writings will pique the interest of your readers, generate considerable traffic to your website and keep your audience coming back for more.


12 Projects Completed

He has written about cryptocurrencies for My Gold and The Lady Crypto


5 Projects Completed

He has written about financial technology for financial services websites as well as investing websites.


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

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