Brandon specializes in Education, Coaching, Communication, Writing, Fiction, Poetry, Article Writing, Philosophy, Baseball, Ultimate Frisbee, Tarot Cards, Fantasy Literature, Wheel of Time, Dark Tower series, SEO Writing, and Research (including to cover unfamiliar topics).
Brandon is a broad perspective sort of person, and his interests are much what that phrase infers. He has a natural drive to be outdoors and to read everything in sight. His interactions with diverse groups, facilitated by travel and an open personality, have widened his scope of understanding. By recognizing the facets of process that go unnoticed, he can form a healthy respect for any act of skill.
The University of Missouri is a strong liberal arts school. The staff of the College of Arts and Sciences emphasized the goal of their instruction was to facilitate students' understanding of how to learn - not just what to learn. The English department provides several opportunities for writing workshop elements to be included with classes.
The University of Manchester's Centre for New Writing is staffed by award winning writers of fiction, poetry and essay. Many have professional experience on both sides of the publishing process. The university's Centre for New Writing has an intensive focus on the workshop element, which includes hundreds of hours of critique personally, digitally, and in writing.
As a member of the field, Brandon's writing experience has come mostly from the inside of Special School District and elementary schools. He has created materials, drafted team communications, and been an active part of local public relations. His insight into the structure of education systems, the legal advantages and barriers involved, and Special Education experience make Brandon an informed resource for education-oriented projects.
As a host, server, and bartender Brandon learned much about the restaurant industry. It features a complicated supply chain that forces a good business to be a cost-effective one. Successful staffing is largely based on intangible personality traits and mental organization, leaving it hard to collect data from customers who experience a variety of personal interactions. Brandon used his knowledge of the industry to craft correspondence that reaches his coworkers.
Brandon has played pc, console, and board games for over two decades. He has written strategy guides for MMO characters classes (most extensively WoW), game reviews for multiple platforms, walkthroughs, fan fiction, and been a member of several gaming forums. The lack of paid projects roots from work that was self-initiated and pro bono.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.