Rosanne L
Writer #9422
Joined 5/21/2014
4 Star Rating
97% Success
733 Projects
5 Endorsements
3 Elite Skills
Rosanne earned her master's degree in Mental Health Counseling in 2001. She was a licensed psychotherapist from 2001 - 2013. Her therapy specialty is working with young adults -- 18 through 28 -- and their parents and families. From October 2006 to May 2011, Rosanne was a therapist at a non-profit agency for adults who were considered severely mentally ill. From May 2003 to October 2006, she worked with patients of all ages on every unit of one of Albuquerque's psychiatric hospitals.

Before becoming a therapist, Rosanne was a certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). As a senior instructor, she taught at the quarterly NASM personal trainer certification courses from 1991 to 1995. She worked with individual clients in Oklahoma City and Albuquerque and managed a key-club gym and a martial-arts school in Albuquerque.

Rosanne has also been a human relations consultant for nine years and a micrographics systems consultant for seven years. She is proficient at writing system proposals, marketing brochures, procedure manuals and cookbook recipes, clinical summaries, newspaper articles, and blog posts.
Product Description
Blog Post
Press Release
Non Profit
Facebook Post


Rosanne loves to write fiction (paranormal romantic suspense novels) and nonfiction (communication and mental health) books. Another specialty is Facebook posts, Tweets, and blog posts on any topic that that inform and entertain at the same time.


Rosanne's major interests are writing, writing fiction and reviews of fiction, doing regular resistance and aerobic training, and practicing t'ai chi.


State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo

This undergraduate program involved studying the mechanics of Russian, including its grammar, word origins, and history, as well as the reading, writing, and speaking aspects of the language. Rosanne chose electives from other disciplines, such as calculus, biology, chemistry, psychology, and conversation courses in the French and Spanish languages.

University of Phoenix

This graduate program included courses in different approaches to psychotherapy; individual, group and multicultural counseling; identifying and diagnosing mental disorders; research and statistical measures; and an internship in a chosen mental health facility in the Albuquerque area.


171 Projects Completed

Rosanne currently writes monthly blog posts and Facebook posts on addiction recovery and both physical and psychological aspects of fitness. During the 1990s, she wrote newsletter articles on marketing fitness/personal training services for the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). She is working on two books. One is about the psychological aspects of communication between parents and their young adult child. The second book is about healthy bread machine recipes.


70 Projects Completed

Rosanne pursued training in business, and as a personal trainer and psychotherapist. This provided for being able to address the entire person when working with a client. She was able to work with clients on both the physical and psychological levels to achieve more permanent results. All her writing has been directed toward providing positive information and feedback for clients.

Non Profit

40 Projects Completed

Rosanne was a Team Leader/Therapist for a non-profit agency specializing in severely mentally-ill adult clients. Writing included intake assessments, session progress notes, insurance authorization requests, treatment plans, reports as needed by the Clinical Director, and justifications for various levels of care as required by other agencies.


8 Projects Completed

Rosanne has been both a manager and a consultant in at least six different fields of business: manufacturing, brokerage, insurance, personal training, mental health, and creative writing. Her writing projects include marketing and sales proposals, brochures, newsletters, business letters, insurance authorization requests, job descriptions, and performance evaluations.

Blog Post

183 Projects Completed

Rosanne has written blog posts 300 - 1600 words long on addictions, bollards, dentistry, dump trucks, event planning, mental health, recovery, trauma, and some other topics. She enjoys simplifying, but not dumbing down, complex or technical information to make it understandable to everyone.

Product Description

167 Projects Completed

Rosanne writes descriptions of products so buyers know what they're getting. Product descriptions can range from humorous, that capture a product in a whimsical light, to factual, which tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Facebook Post

88 Projects Completed

No matter what the topic is, Rosanne writes Facebook or LinkedIn posts that are short and informal enough to entice a reader into wanting to know more. These posts can stand alone, or link to blog posts or articles about the subject.


3 Projects Completed

Rosanne has written the first three books of one fiction series and the first book in a second fiction series. Another work-in-progress is an ebook on becoming a better parent to a young adult child.

Press Release

2 Projects Completed

Rosanne creates press releases with the journalism inverted-pyramid style of information organization. Too much copy? No need to rewrite, simply delete as much as you need to, starting with the final paragraph of the piece. Easy! Not enough copy? She'll write more.


1 Projects Completed

Rosanne can create PowerPoint-type slides for presentations of any length. She can accommodate business, informal, promotional, or technical writing styles.

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