I have edited papers, books, press releases,academic papers, business communications, newspaper and magazine articles, college level tests and essays, research papers, and more! This experience has provided me with vocabulary, diction, and writing experience that has helped me become the accomplished writer and editor that I am. It takes a good writer to be a good editor, and I encompass both! These skills are just waiting to be tapped into, so take advantage and put them to work for you!
Her interests within writing are varied. She enjoys art, reading, photography, pets, gardening, e-Commerce, supply chain and logistics, customer service, trucking, and travel.
Study in Behavioral Psychology and English Communications with a minor focus on humanities and social studies as a multi-major degree.
Study of plant science and plant bi.ogy including plant and pest control and ID, landscape, lawn care, fertilizer and pesticides, plant physiology, and more.
Study in Journalism and English Communications with 4 semesters spent working on the college newspaper as a writer, staff member, co-head editor, and team editorial member.
Sarah has been writing and editing content of all manner within the kids and family niche for more than 10 years. She has written blogs, web content, magazine articles, tutorials, lesson plans, product reviews and descriptions and more.
Sarah has been writing content for parent-related topics for more than 10 years. Her areas of interest include pregnancy, infant care, toddlers, young children, teens, parenting issues, relationships, and much more!
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic ever since she started writing and has a true passion and desire for this area of writing. She has 2 degrees relating to this field and over 10 years of hands on practical experience to draw from in her writing. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as plant care, growth, propagation, pruning, landscape, plant ID, pest control, lawn care, and more!
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic for several yeas. Sarah Jo also has experience at the hands on level with many areas of web development with WordPress sites. She knows how to write, format, upload images, create links, make meta descriptions, monitor SEO ranks, and create easy to read content for WordPress sites.
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic ever since she started writing and has a true passion and desire for this area of writing. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as dating, relationships, child care, parenting, pregnancy, cooking, cleaning, home and lawn care, gardening, shopping, savings, and much more!
Sarah Jo has a love for travel and has done numerous writing projects on topics related to travel for several years now. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as tips for flying, traveling with kids, how to pack, staying safe, traveling alone, how to book reservations, highlighting places to see, and more!
Sarah Jo had done finance related work for over three years now on a wide range of topics from investment, debt management, savings, credit cards, banking, and much more. Her passions are for helping others manage money and finances and find ways to save money- especially in today's market and current economic state.
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic ever since she started writing and has a true passion and desire for this area of writing. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as SEO, marketing, communications, social media, and more!
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic in recent years and has a true passion and a growing desire to expand on her work for this area of writing. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as natural care, vitamins, minerals, supplements, recipes, diet, exercise, skin care, clothing, jewelry, and more!
Sarah Jo has worked in the area of education for over seven years as an editor, tutor, and instructor at the high school and college level. Her passions include writing, reading, lesson plans, power points, record keeping, workshops, video scripts, and more!
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic ever since she started writing and has a true passion and desire for this area of writing. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as painting, photography, art, theater. movies, music, home improvement, design, sop and candle making, decorating, and more.
Sarah has recently branched into the supply chain and logistics market and has done research and written content on a number of supply chain and transportation logistics topics and industry focus areas.
Sarah has been writing food and rink related blogs and articles for the last two years off and on and has begun to build an impressive portfolio of topics. from developing new recipes to writing about ethnic foods, food and restaurant reviews, and cooking and healthy eating advice, Sarah love food and loves writing about it!
Sarah Jo has been writing in this field ever since she started writing and has an impressive portfolio of completed work for bogs and big nae websites. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics within the banking and finance field and has been working as a ghostwriter for big name financial blogs and businesses for a few years now.
Sarah has experience with e-commerce trends, shipping, logistics, marketing, supply chain, and customer relations all relating to e-commerce trends and market demands today.
This is a new are of focus for Sarah Jo but it is one that she is very passionate about and is a subject she loves working within so it is something she's excited to explore and delve into further. Sarah Jo has experience writing about pet care, dogs, cats, fish, training, obedience, breeding, grooming, food care, and more.
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic fro several years and she has experience writing on topics such as dating, date ideas, break ups, LGBT Dating, marriage counseling, relationships, and more.
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic for over 5 yeas. Sarah Jo also has experience at the hands on level with all areas of agriculture, horticulture, and landscaping. She has done work in growing, care, plat ID, lawn, pest control, landscape design, plant care, propagation, green house, nursery work, and more!
A new area for Sarah Jo, she is already making impressive strides with a number of self help blogs and articles already being done online as a ghostwriter. She enjoys helping others and is excited about adding this new area of focus to her writing arsenal.
Sarah Jo has done writing work on this topic for a year now and has a true passion and desire for green living. Sarah Jo has experience writing on topics such as recycling, energy conservation, pollution, home gardens, and others.
Sarah Jo has extensive experience writing articles throughout her 12+ years as a writer. Her work spans from small pieces to extensive reports and in-depth research articles. Topics include health and wellness, education, finance, sport, hobbies, parenting, travel, art, fashion, and more!
Sarah Jo has done many blog posts as a ghostwriter over the past 5 years. Topics she has written on include jewelry, fashion, education, finance, wellness, crafts, travel, photography, pet care, automotive, and parenting among many others.
Sarah Jo's experience with product descriptions is far reaching even in the few short years she has been working officially as a product description writer as part of her freelance writing work. She had done descriptions for jewelry, fashion, money, sales, and more!
Sarah Jo has done some work with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media posts and updates. This is a new are for her but she already has developed some good expereince in this field of writing for the modern era.
Sarah Jo's experience with writing video scripts is quite impressive and covers a range of businesses and services. She has written video scripts for financial corporation travel agencies, educational lesson and tutorials, web site blogs, you tube videos, and many more!
Sarah Jo has started opening submissions and has begun working on webinar and meeting documentations and speeches. From small scale to large multi corporation webinars, Sarah Jo is building an impressive collection for her portfolio.
Sarah has done work on book writing since her high school days. She is a published author herself and has worked on many ghostwriting projects for books and ebooks alike over the last 7 years. Her work spans many industries and covers many subjects so she is ready to do whatever you want or need!
Sarah has been writing professionally for ten years now and in that time has done dozens of scripts and speech outlines for a wide range of topics and industry niche markets. Short and long, video or voice over scripts, Sarah has written for many different needs and criteria over the years.