Tyler G
Writer #8969
Joined 3/12/2014
4 Star Rating
98% Success
62 Projects
0 Endorsements
3 Elite Skills
Other writing experience includes corporate content marketing, B2B global agency copywriting, large city newspaper and other sports blogs.


Tyler gets people talking.


Tyler is interested in writing quality content that achieves your business objectives.


Xavier University

Tyler majored in English and received a minor in communications.


21 Projects Completed

Tyler has worked three years as a copy/content for a healthcare IT solutions firm. He's written technical proposals, website copy and print collateral. Tyler also maintains a live blog of all of his company's successful engagements.


20 Projects Completed

Copywriting, collateral creation, social media, blogging --Tyler was responsible for all of it within a global B2B advertising and marketing agency.

His work has been proven to drive numbers, increasing traffic and conversions for every company he's written for.


11 Projects Completed

Because he's spent three years working for a healthcare IT firm, he's written a lot of content pertaining to the medical field, including pure clinical content and clinical training content. Tyler has worked with physicians in the past to author accurate and reliable content.


7 Projects Completed

Tyler's bread and butter--he's been writing sports for over a decade. He currently writes for a national sports blog, BleacherReport.com.


2 Projects Completed

Tyler maintained a live blog for his company, often which included articles detailing ways to get employed, or general tips for interviewing.


1 Projects Completed

Tyler has written several reviews for the BleacherReport, a national sports and interest blog. Most recently, Tyler wrote an article about the popular WWE 2K series, one of the highest grossing video games of 2014.

He has written articles online that have achieved over 41,000 reads.


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

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