Jami K's writing specialties include SaaS/B2B for technology, healthcare, education, financial services, small business, and personal/professional development. She is also a professional ghostwriter for CEOs and thought leaders looking to become published authors of business books to further their platforms. An adept interviewer and researcher, she has bylined or ghostwritten several blogs, case studies, white papers, thought leadership articles, website copy, e-newsletters, email campaigns, social media posts, and more.
Jami K's writing interests span blogs to books and everything in between that can be used to create brand awareness, simplify software solutions, drive sales, and promote thought leadership. She is looking for short- or long-term engagements with a startup, B2B SaaS company, enterprise, consultancy, or agency.
Jami K has worked in to enhance the presence of all ranks of companies through content. From startups to enterprises in healthcare, technology, learning and development, startup, and SaaS/B2B software. She has been a professional business writer, working in house or for an agency for more than two decades.
Jami K has been a content writer, editor, and strategist for several SaaS/B2B startups including Liazon, CipherHealth, Infobip, and Skilljar on a full-time basis. She has also been a contract writer for PayIt, Appriss Retail, Compile, and many other companies in the technology, business, education, and startup/small business sectors.
Jami K has been a content writer, editor, and strategist for numerous healthcare startups including Liazon and CipherHealth. She also oversaw Health & Benefits and Wellbeing beats for the consultancy Willis Towers Watson.
Jami K has been a ghostblogger for thought leaders on Forbes.com, and a blogger for several Saas/B2B startups including Liazon, Infobip, CipherHealth, Skilljar and more. She is well versed in SEO strategies for blogging and WordPress.
Jami K is adept at interviewing senior executives and making their insights come alive through articles, blog posts, white papers, and more. She has drafted white papers for several companies and trade associations including Willis Towers Watson (Evolving the Employee Benefit Mindset), The Private Exchange Research Council (Understanding Product Offerings and Choices on a Private Exchange), and PCMA - Professional Convention Management Association (Advancing Women in Business Events).
Jami K is a professional ghostwrtier and ghostblogger for CEOs and subject matter experts in healthcare, technology, business, and personal/professional development. If anyone has ever said "you should write a book," she would love to help you tell your story and advance your thought leadership and professional speaking opportunities.