Gaylon specializes in writing about
- Current events
- Politics
- Sports
- Spirituality
- Funny, thoughtful characters
- Daily content
- Ghostwriting
- Novels
- Memoirs
- Diaries, both real and fictional
Gaylon is primarily interested in writing books and daily website content, like commentaries and thoughts for the day.
He can also do emails, memos, reports and other forms of corporate communications.
Gaylon has been publishing daily content on his websites since the turn of the century. He has published ebooks on a several websites and also has experience designing book interiors and covers for publication on Amazon and other places.
Gaylon has written many books, under his name and pen names.
Genres include humor, novels, memoirs, spirituality, and erotica.
Gaylon has experience with daily content, 365 days a year.
Gaylon has created a variety of websites.