Anna S
Writer #869
Joined 4/4/2011
3 Star Rating
100% Success
4,154 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Anna writes freelance on a variety of subjects including parenting, lifestyle, health, product descriptions, entertainment, real estate and travel. She has also written a novel as well as a screenplay. Anna offers article, column, copywriting, creative, blog posting, business, how-to writing and more.
Product Description
Blog Post
1 More


Column, journalistic article, how-to's, personal experience, short answers, product descriptions, blog posts, reviews, entertainment, point of view and humor.


Reading, astronomy, sci-fi, travel, family, health, parenting, real estate, lifestyle, entertainment, product descriptions, movie reviews, movie descriptions, beauty


BCC/Florida Atlantic University

Anna studied mainly graphic design, but took various creative and journalistic writing classes as writing has always been of interest to her. She has been writing for over 10 years.


22 Projects Completed

Anna wrote several food articles describing food items as well as as some recipes. Recipe articles are written with easy instructions and she has also written how to's on how to make certain food items.


22 Projects Completed

Anna has written several articles on the subject of health for various online writing sites. These articles range from long descriptions, to question and answer topics.


17 Projects Completed

Anna did a few articles on crafts for paid websites as well as for her own blog. Several of the paid articles are in the how to format.


14 Projects Completed

Anna has written articles on the subectt of travel. Articles include hotel and resort descriptions as well as descriptive city and country tours.


10 Projects Completed

Anna has experience in writing about shopping and products, especially in the bridal department. She has written numerous articles and blog posts about wedding dresses, clothing, shopping and more.


10 Projects Completed

Anna has written several online articles in the medical industry. The articles range in subject and length and include long answer formats using medical or heatlth sources.


4 Projects Completed

Anna has written several internet articles on fashion subjects paid by writing websites. The article types include how to's as well as blog posts and informational articles.


2 Projects Completed

Anna wrote regular articles on entertainment and celebrity news for the website. She worked with assignment editors and a writing team to come up with topics and titles to best suit the website's content.


4,005 Projects Completed

Anna has written countless articles in the 10-plus years she has been writing online. Subjects include health, entertainment, humor, real estate, finance, travel, children, family, parenting and more.

Blog Post

28 Projects Completed

Anna is owner of a personal blog where she writes about parenting, mom issues, funny family stories, product reviews and more.

Product Description

20 Projects Completed

Anna has written several product descriptions on different types of items.. Some of the items include clothing, bags, drinks, shoes, food and more.

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