Beyond her creative and academic writing, Alexa has three years of experience in the nonprofit industry. She has worked on over ten grants for organizations in multiple sectors -, five of which received funding. Outside of this organization, she participated in a semester-long course about grant writing in artistic nonprofits where her LOI and grant narrative were selected by the professor for use in an active grant application.
Her interests are primarily in the arts and human services sector, with an emphasis on youth. She would like to do work that focuses on helping underserved populations increase their quality of life or access to arts and education. She is also an accomplished dramatic writer - having had several plays produced locally, and has worked developing projects for multiple small theater companies.
Alexa’s experience in the nonprofit industry was gained through her work with an organization that was hired by multiple NGO’s to secure grant funding. She established and met deadlines for every step of multiple grant application processes simultaneously as well as editing other writers' work for content and grammar.
Alexa was contracted by a college newspaper to review bands within the local music scene. Her work balanced humor with analysis of the music and performance in context of greater historic music trends. Her columns were routinely featured on both the newspapers' and the bands' social media pages.
Alexa has written multiple film and film analysis reviews which are to be featured on an up-and-coming YouTube channel. She has a minor in film from Lehman College of the CUNY and her academic film writing has received high marks from her professors. Her practical experience in the film industry as an actor and production assistant allows her to produce keen insights on how a movie 'works.'
• Utilized databases such as Foundation Center Online for researching potential grant makers for multiple nonprofits simultaneously.
• Analyzed compatibility between grant opportunities and nonprofits by examining mission statements and previous projects funded.
• Wrote successful grant narratives and LOI for organizations such as Beat the Streets NYC and the Colorado Mountain Club.
• Established and successfully maintained deadlines for submission of multiple grant proposals.
• Assisted in each step of proposal development.
• Organized budgetary data for grant proposals.
• Edited grant narratives for both content and grammar.
• Worked collaboratively with nonprofit staff to generate ideas. Responsible for note-taking, idea organization and assisting in mediation in diverse teams within each nonprofit.