Kathleen D
Writer #8239
Joined 11/25/2013
5 Star Rating
100% Success
100 Projects
0 Endorsements
3 Elite Skills
Kathleen's roles and responsibilities included people-management, human resources administration, policy development, process improvement, and general business correspondence.

A significant part of her role was writing company policies and procedures as well as process documentation.

She was also responsible for the roll-out of corporate-wide programs which included writing and publishing program documentation and was responsible for corporate-wide Human Resources communications.

Kathleen was also licensed in two New England states as a Real Estate Professional and has hands-on experience listing and selling residential property. This included writing property descriptions, advertisements and listing copy.
Real Estate
Human Resources


Kathleen now writes on a wide variety of subjects including business, family, health, real estate, human resources, and more. She contributes regularly as a travel blogger, and also ghost-blogs for several sites. Her passions include her family, health, music, human behavioral topics, Baby Boomers and the '70s.

One of her favorite pursuits is staying current with the ever-changing "science" of SEO as it relates to blogging and website content.


Kathleen is an avid fan of the Marching Arts and enjoys traveling, camping, boating, reading, research, photography, and the beach.


Northeastern University

Kathleen studied business administration at Northeastern University.

Fisher College

Kathleen participated in the Business Administration and Finance programs.

Human Resources

50 Projects Completed

Human Resources related documentation and correspondence in the forms of policies, procedures, business letters, manuals, resumes, cover letters, performance evaluations, training documents, how-to instructions and explanations.

Writes freelance articles and ghost blog posts for multiple customers.

Real Estate

39 Projects Completed

Kathleen has performed multiple duties within the real estate business included positions as listing agent and salesperson for residential real estate. Also responsible for managing real estate listings and sales, producing complete and error-free documentation and contracts, marketing packages, listing brochures.

Produced marketing documents, open house brochures for real estate offices.


11 Projects Completed

Previous employers and clients include healthcare, software development, internet, consumer goods, high technology, manufacturing, and real estate companies. In addition to general business and management experience, Kathleen also has hands-ons executive and contingency recruitment experience.


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

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