Angelina B
Writer #8163
Joined 11/11/2013
3 Star Rating
100% Success
415 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Angelina is a long-time entrepreneur - encompassing recruiting, content creation and public speaking. She has worked social media project for content promotion and has been tapped for editing projects for both small and larger projects. She is currently a Deputy Managing Editor for a popular online newspaper and dedicated writer for the team. Angelina also writes for small, local publications as a ghost-writer, enjoying the ability to share her skills. Angelina runs her own business, extending contracting opportunities for workers who want to work from home as customer service agent. She is detailed on relations and communications with a diverse group of individuals and consumers.

Academic papers, expert and technical manuals have been ghost-written by Angelina - she developed highly graded pieces of research during her educational span. Over a dozen years experience in government, taxes, financials and public interactions has refined her skill set. Angelina took the lead on organizing a database list of best methods of collections for her state government while on the Change Management team. She has developed content for websites, call-outs, advertisements, job opportunities and social media displays.
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Academic, blogging, content creative content, ghost-writing, various article content creation and newsletter content are specialties. Additional work has covered news paper stories, breaking news and tech-savvy newsletters.


Reading, writing poetry, crocheting a new winter scarf and interacting with her family are some of Angelina's favorite things.


University of Phoenix

Angelina has been a life-long learner. She has her 2-year and Bachelor's degree in IT/Networking and Telecommunications. Her Master's in Science covers Public Administration and Criminal Justice.


250 Projects Completed

Angelina comes from a work and educational background entrenched within technology. From smartphones, computing, video game technology and social media - she details her experience into viable content that has received reviews and hundreds of shares across social media channels and Google news.


115 Projects Completed

Angelina has developed content for digital newspapers and content requests on all things Entertainment. These items encompass: celebrity news, video games, movies and book reviews. Research is conducted to deliver strong content with verifiable and reliable sources that enhance the content provided to the publication.


25 Projects Completed

Angelina has been a long-time guru of all things juicing. With contributing factors of health, she has sought the grapefruit of healing ailments, the apple cider vinegar of curing a cold and spinach juices for headaches. She has produced content seen by thousands of people promoting health.

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25 Projects Completed

Angelina submits posts for some clients and her own business to promote viewership with tools like Hootesuite and Buffer. Interactive or informational statuses are provided to the clients, in addition links to related stories or websites with catch phrases are implemented.

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