Reviews, profiles, surveys, pop culture, advertising, opinion pieces, social media, creative pieces, and anything to do with entertainment.
Kasey loves to keep up with pop culture. She stays up to date on a variety of popular shows and loves to stay in the know with celebrity gossip. She also enjoys watching movies and spending time with her closest family and friends. Kasey has developed a deep interest in photography and spends a lot of her spare time photographing sunsets, animals and anything she finds to be different or uniquely beautiful. She has a strong love for animals, whether it is the hippo at a zoo or a friend's cat. She moved to Florida years ago due to her adventurous soul and loves to travel and experience new things. She is from the Boston area and continues to follow the cities professional sports teams.
Kasey attended Nashua Community College where she earned her Associates degree in Liberal Arts. She enrolled in all sorts of classes from American cinema to writing short stories to journalism. This is where Kasey found her love for writing and photography. This motivated Kasey to begin writing poetry and screen plays on her own time.
Kasey transferred to Eckerd College where she earned her Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences. At Eckerd she spent a lot of her time working for the school's newspaper and won first place for best news story in a contest held by the Florida College Press Association. This inspired Kasey to dabble in other kinds of writing as well.
Kasey has written various blog posts about beauty, such as an opinion piece about celebrities and their (what she thought to be) poor plastic surgery choices. She has also written countless surveys consisting of various beauty brands and products where she had to explain their specific purpose. Kasey also once completed a sociological study about what different people from various countries and a multitude of ages viewed as beautiful.
Kasey has written blog posts about hotels she has stayed at as well as survey questions and media research involving a variety of vacation destinations, airlines and cruise lines.
Kasey's most recent job surrounded TV, advertisements, promos and movies. She spent nearly one year tracking product placement within TV shows and movies. The nest two and a half years she spent focusing solely on advertisements, promos and movie trailers. She also has written many entertainment stories for blogs and college newspapers, from restaurant/bar/night club reviews to event and theme park ride reviews. She has also written quite a bit about relevant pop culture as well as opinion posts about controversial points in TV shows to spark conversation. When Kasey has contributed to all these blogs she has helped to promote them through social media.
Kasey has written reviews of restaurants and bars for a blog as well as for her college newspaper. She has also become familiar with a wide variety of food thanks to advertising and survey questions, from grocery store items and fast food to restaurant chains.
Kasey has always been interested in sports. She follows a few professional sports teams. She was the assistant sports editor for her college newspaper and wrote a few sports stories. She also has become familiar with sports she wouldn't be otherwise thanks to her survey writing job.
Kasey has written blog posts for a hip-hop radio station, which contained updates involving anything from the world of hip-hop. She has also done profiles on artists and CD reviews.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.