Nadia specializes in product reviews, informative articles and content marketing with curated content. She is especially proficient in writing about travel, education, beauty and tech gadgets.
Nadia has lived abroad and has traveled extensively. She champions animal causes such as The Paw Project. She is a former hairstylist with great experience in the beauty industry. She is also a savvy budget shopper.
Nadia graduated with a B.A. in English Writing with academic distinction. She studied creative, business, technical, sports and academic writing.
Nadia is a veteran teacher who has created curriculum in addition to education-related content.
-English language development curriculum kindergarten to 12th grades, including assessments
-Speech curriculum for one semester, including assessments
-Secondary literacy curriculum, including assessments
Both informative and instructional articles related to education, both for educators and general public
Nadia has written articles and copy for independent websites. This writing includes informational guides, travel reviews and press releases.
Nadia has written several shopping-related articles and website content for independent clients.
Shopping: budget tips, fashion shopping, beauty shopping
Content: Product descriptions (clothing, gifts, tech gadgets)
Nadia writes keen press releases for any type of product or service.
Example industries: travel, baking, manufacturing equipment