Blayne's experience in academic writing and his qualifications in journalism has allowed him to become an expert in researching and fact-checking projects to ensure the highest level of accuracy. Moreover, Blayne has mastered multiple disciplines including SEO, copywriting, and novel writing. Blayne's knowledge allows him to flow seamlessly between longer feature articles and shorter pieces. Therefore, Blayne's specialty is the ability to adapt to a variety of niches and writing disciplines.
Working in alternative education and establishing a career in freelance writing has created the environment for Blayne to embrace many interests. These interests include psychology, sociology, pop culture, technology, alternative lifestyles, mindfulness, self-improvement, and entrepreneurship. Blayne is highly open to experience allowing him to dive into any special interest project that introduces him to new information or thought patterns.
Blayne has written academic works on the topic of business that have been used as tutoring examples for high school and college students. Moreover, his educational background in media and communications included marketing modules. Therefore, Blayne has a baseline understanding of business principles that are useful when producing any business-related writing. Furthermore, Blayne has worked in market research as a field worker and researcher which has given him hands-on experience in the industry.
Blayne has worked on SEO projects which help organizations rank on various search engines. Moreover, Blayne's communications qualification has afforded him in-depth knowledge of modern marketing. Any work that Blayne produces in the marketing sector will come from direct interaction with the marketing space, as well as academic research on the field of marketing.
Self-help is the genre that Blayne is most familiar with. His understanding of psychology and sociology greatly contributes to his producing self-help content that is informative and accurate. Furthermore, his passion for the genre will ensure that he delivers quality work that is fine-tuned to your specifications and exceeds your expectations.
Blayne has always been passionate about religion, theology, and spirituality. He has researched many different spiritual paths and concepts which means that he is familiar with the various ways people approach spirituality. Blayne's passion for all things spiritual will ensure that any work produced on the topic will be profound, and well-researched. Furthermore, his experimentation with different spiritual practices can provide first-hand insight.
Blayne has worked as a facilitator at an alternative education community. One of his main responsibilities was taking the lead on developing a permaculture urban farm. This means that Blayne has first-hand experience in the agricultural sector and a passion to communicate the importance of sustainable farming practices. Therefore, his writing in the agricultural niche will be well-informed from direct experience.
Blayne has worked for multiple ghostwriting agencies. Therefore, he has experience in publishing both novels, and microbooks. His in-depth understanding of the industry allows him to produce texts that are engaging, informative and that meet your writing requirements. Blayne's specialty is non-fiction writing with focus on the self-help genre. His expertise includes sociology, psychology, spirituality, mindfulneess, as well as health and fitness.
Blayne has worked as a tutor and has hands-on experience in alternative education. Therefore, Blayne is familiar with cutting-edge research in education and the new forms of engaging with students that are emerging. Blayne has worked with a learning center that was focused on self-directed learning and unschooling which are radical shifts in traditional approaches to teaching. Therefore, Blayne is able to provide a lens to view education that is interesting and outside of the norm.
As a journalist, Blayne has contributed to entertainment stories including the coverage of festivals and music events. His passion for the entertainment industry drives him to produce content that grips readers by covering issues from unique and novel angles. Blayne's journalism expertise will make sure that any entertainment news stories are well-structured to keep the attention of readers while covering all the necessary details of a particular news story.
Blayne has ghostwritten multiple books on gardening. This includes books on how to grow various vegetables and plants, as well as how to prep soil correctly. Blayne is able to write gardening books according to different styles and stones while having knowledge of different types of gardening. The gardening books that Blayne has collaborated on include books that include raised-bed gardening, using vertical space to garden in urban environments, as well as how one can go about establishing a neighborhood garden in urban areas.
Blayne's collaboration with alternative communities has familiarized him with the principles of green living. Having worked on an urban farm that followed green principles Blayne learned various sustainable practices in terms of permaculture farming, composting, and recycling. Therefore, Blayne has internalized information around sustainable living that can produce powerful written works on topics of regeneration and sustainability.
Blayne has worked on projects that deep-dive into the emergent technology of artificial intelligence. He has ghostwritten books on AI which required a lot of research. This means that Blayne is well-versed in the potential of AI and how it can affect the world in multiple ways. Blayne's expertise in the field of AI can produce well-written and informed works that view the topic from multiple angles.
Blayne has written hundreds of articles, mostly of an academic nature. Therefore, Blayne can ensure that any work he produces will effectively communicate your message while being well-researched and scholarly backed. Moreover, Blayne has a qualification in communications and journalism, so he understands the requirements of journalistic writing. Furthermore, Blayne has written SEO articles for NGOs and businesses, meaning that he will be able to write your article according to keywords that are relevant to your field.
Blayne has ghostwritten both fiction and non-fiction books. The topics range from religion and spirituality to self-help, psychology, and permaculture farming. Blayne's research skills and versatility make him a perfect fit for your ghostwriting needs in a multitude of niches. Blayne's command of the English language allows for the development of long-form content that is engaging and informative.