Aubrey S
Writer #7642
Joined 8/29/2013
4 Star Rating
100% Success
2,711 Projects
7 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Aubrey is a freelance writer who has written articles, blog posts, product reviews, product descriptions, movie and video game reviews, political commentary and other content. Her topics have included business, politics, video games, movies, television, books, music, sports, toys and others. She is active on social media sites such as Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and Facebook.

Aubrey has been a writer for Wikipedia since 2004 and is currently a Senior Editor III. She has received acclaim for a number of her articles; she was also selected by members of Wikipedia to be interviewed in 2011 due to the high caliber of her articles. She has written or contributed to Wikipedia articles about entertainment, pets, business, science, politics, epidemiology, religion and other topics, and is well-versed on regulations for fair use of multimedia.

Aubrey has written articles and blog posts for several video game websites. Her work has been featured on the front page of, once a leading video game website where she was a regular contributor. Many of her articles have been featured on the now-defunct Game Rankings, a CNET-owned website that uses reviews to create an aggregate score for video games. She also has done sports reports for her local newspaper.

Aubrey has loved writing since the second grade, when she was runner-up in a class spelling bee and started writing fictional stories. She enjoys writing about a broad range of topics and focuses on creating engaging copy that is professional, well-researched, well-sourced and enjoyable to read. She is committed to providing clients with the quality work that they are seeking, and she works to seamlessly integrate client concepts and keywords.
Press Release
Blog Post


Aubrey has written many articles, product descriptions, movie and video game reviews and guides, and blog posts. I have also written political opinion and news articles.


Aubrey enjoys reading, writing, video games, board games, movies, politics, current events, computers, electronics and pets. She is studying sign language as well as Roman history.


Crookston High School

Nicholas excelled in work in his English classes in high school. He also enjoyed multimedia/technology classes. He plans to enroll in college classes within the next couple of years and would continue his freelance writing during that time.


333 Projects Completed

Nicholas has been a gamer for two decades. He has owned most major game consoles and hundreds of individual games. He currently owns both new and old consoles and keeps up with the market, both in terms of games and consoles being released and in terms of industry and company news. As a writer, he has written numerous blog posts on many aspects of video games, also writing press releases, product descriptions, opinion pieces and video game guides.


117 Projects Completed

Nicholas has written many articles for businesses as a freelance writer, including general articles, press releases, blog posts and product descriptions. He particularly enjoys writing about video games, both regarding gaming and the gaming industry, but he is a flexible writer who is keen on research and has covered a variety of topics, from home and family to extreme sports.


84 Projects Completed

Nicholas has written articles, blog posts and reviews on movies, television shows and video games for a number of years. He regularly contributes to video game websites and is an avid Wikipedia writer/editor on entertainment topics.


27 Projects Completed

Nicholas has been a gamer for two decades. He has owned most major game consoles and hundreds of individual games. He currently owns both new and old consoles and keeps up with the market, both in terms of games and consoles being released and in terms of industry and company news. As a writer, he has written numerous blog posts and guides on many aspects of video games, also writing press releases, product descriptions, opinion pieces on a wide variety of topics.

Blog Post

931 Projects Completed

Nicholas has written many blog posts, most of which have been unpaid, for his own personal blog, but some of which have been for compensation. He has maintained several blogs that primarily covered video games and movies but also focused on current events, history and other topics.


806 Projects Completed

Nicholas has written many articles for a variety of clients, with topics ranging from snowboards, health, video games and movies. He prides himself on doing extensive research and creating original, creative copy that is compelling yet professional.

Press Release

413 Projects Completed

Nicholas has written many press releases for a variety of businesses that provide either products or services. He strives for copy that is interesting, concise and informative, and he does the research necessary to meet those goals.

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