Lacy S
Writer #7524
Joined 8/10/2013
3 Star Rating
80% Success
1 Projects
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0 Elite Skills
Lacy is a charismatic and driven young woman who is currently attending college to obtain her Associates Degree in Marketing. She is an aspiring Creative Director, who plans on attending the Academy of Art University in the fall of 2014 following her graduation from her current college (Rasmussen) in the spring of 2014. Lacy plans to on obtaining her Bachelor's Degree in Advertising with a minor in Journalism so that she may start working towards obtaining her dream career, being a creative director.

While she may not have paid experience, Lacy has been writing creatively on a regular basis, since she was 13 years old. Her love of reading and English followed her throughout her time in high school and she was able to graduate with an A in English 4. In her senior year, she also put her writing skills to use by writing scripts in her elective of choice Television Production, which her high school offered to her by way of their technical school affiliate. During this time, she wrote and produced a PSA, as well as a short horror film.

Throughout her time in college, Lacy has written countless A papers on the subjects of Marketing, Human Resource Management, English Literature, Professional Communications, Business Ethics, Public Relations and Advertising, Financial Accounting, and Business Law. She is also currently a regular content contributor to the online web comic Indoor Recess which is published by Ronin Press Comics.

Lacy is also currently the author of two blogs: the first being Memoirs of a Modern Day Housewife, which shares the joys, pains, and musings from the prospective of wife and a stay at home mom in modern society. The second la petite A la mode, is her creative outlet. La petite A la mode allows her to express her artistic side via a children's fashion blog, a blog inspired by Lacy's love of designing for and styling her own children. It is her goal, to one day turn this blog into an actual children's boutique featuring unique, whimsical, and vintage inspired designs that are both of good quality, and reasonable pricing.
Human Resources


Since Lacy has spent the last two years pursuing her Associates Degree in marketing most of her composition has covered a wide variety of business topics; topics such as: human resource management, public relations, advertising, marketing, macroeconomics, and business ethics. In her spare time Lacy also enjoys taking to her blog writing reviews on t.v. shows, movies, concerts, and albums as well as sharing advice on parenting, marriage, and beauty.


Lacy has always been a bit of a tomboy, preferring her brothers action figures to barbies, and eventually video games and comic books over make-up and fashion (things she has now learned to incorporate into her nerdom). Her favorite hobbies include recreating vintage inspired looks with her hair and make-up, shopping at thrift stores, reading (and yes she still reads comic books), video games, creative writing, sketching, and sarcasm. Lacy is also an avid fan of Star Wars, the Big Lebowski, Quentin Tarantino Films, Zombies, and rule number 1 aka cardio.


Rasmussen College

Lacy has been awarded on numerous occasions for her GPA, landing on both the Deans List and Directors List for maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or higher and 4.0 and higher respectively.


1 Projects Completed

Lacy has yet to complete any paid assignments in the industry. However, she has written a number of “A” papers for a variety of her business classes in pursuit of her Associate’s Degree. She has consistently excelled in the courses where there the focus is primarily upon the written assignments. Lacy is an aspiring creative director who plans on working in the fields of creative writing, and advertising while she continues to pursue her Bachelor’s Degree. Lacy highly knowledgeable on the subject of business, and also possesses superior critical thinking skills – which helps her to conduct the research necessary to provide well written, accurate, and well sourced pieces.


0 Projects Completed

Lacy has been an avid gamer since child-hood. She fell in love with video games the very moment she received a lime green Nintendo 64, and along with it a game that would forever change her life - “Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The moment she played that game, she was hooked and despite going to college, raising children, and making sandwiches for her husband, Lacy still manages to find some quality time on her x-box 360, or PC playing her beloved games such as Bioshock (pick any in the franchise), Skyrim, Fallout (3, & New Vegas), Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 1 &2, the Mass Effect Series, Fable, etc. I mean literally the list could go on, her gamer score is over 15,000.


0 Projects Completed

You have probably guessed by now that Lacy does not have “paid” experience. She is however, a huge fan of many forms of entertainment such as music, movies, and television shows. It is for this reason that entertainment is another favorite topic for her on her blog, as well as the content she writes for the web comic “Indoor Recess” published by Ronin Press Comics.


0 Projects Completed

They say you should write about what you know, so as a wife and mother of two, Lacy’s main blog is based around kids and family. Using her special brand of humor Lacy attempts to lighten the stresses and fears that come along with raising a family of three (including her husband that is), while also reaching out to other wives and mothers. Her unique parenting style, places an emphasis on love, nurturing, and handling the more dysfunctional moments with humor, because sometimes laughter really is the best medicine.


0 Projects Completed

Lacy, does not have any paid experience writing articles on women – but on her main blog she also tackles a great deal of subjects regarding women. From topics like feminism, to self-esteem, to equality in the work place – Lacy tries to empower other women through her writing – encouraging them to teach themselves and their daughters’ one of the most valuable lessons a woman can learn: self-worth.


0 Projects Completed

While Lacy doesn’t have any experience being paid to write articles on Marketing, she is always writing articles on marketing, because she chose to get her Associate’s Degree in that field. With less than a year to go, Lacy has already gained a firm grasp on the concepts and principles of marketing.

Human Resources

0 Projects Completed

Human Resource Management is a topic that Lacy feels incredibly strongly about. A part of her vision is to help mold her generation into a more socially conscious business through example, by placing more emphasis on a business’s most valuable asset: their employees. Lacy believes that human resources can continue to make great strides with employee rights, and equality in the work place.


This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.

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