Dave M
Writer #7292
Joined 7/9/2013
4 Star Rating
100% Success
429 Projects
0 Endorsements
2 Elite Skills
Add Dave to your love list! He's a fast, tech-savvy SEO writer who can write knowledgeably about #SMB business trends, digital marketing innovations, financial tech, legal, real estate and much more, for clients small to large!

David M. is a whiz-bang content writer, copywriter, blogger and marketing specialist for Writer Access clients. He's written news articles, press releases, SEO blog posts, case studies, white papers, ad copy, social media content and more for marketing agencies, enterprise business clients and more. See samples here: https://davemurrow.contently.com

A graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism, Dave has worked on digital marketing campaigns, press releases, white papers, CEO speeches and more in his wide-ranging content writing, PR and marketing career. If you're looking for sheer consistency, quality and speed, Dave's your guy!


Dave can write for clients in small business, technology, financial technology, digital marketing, travel, manufacturing, retail, marijuana industry and others.


Social Media Club
American Marketing Association
SEO Warriors


Northern Illinois University

Double Major
Advertising/Communications and Radio-TV-Film
Schools of Journalism and Communications Studies

Northwestern University

Magazine Publishing Focus
Medill School of Journalism
Northwestern University


113 Projects Completed

Dave's worked for 15+ years in various business roles from international corporate communications to agency PR to marketing strategist.


103 Projects Completed

Freelance writer specializing in business, marketing, mobile, social media, ecommerce, security, fintech, music, legal, B2B, SMB, online


55 Projects Completed

10+ years of working on marketing projects, content, PR, press release and speech writing, landing page copy and more.


52 Projects Completed

Freelance writer specializing in finance, banking, global workforce, security, financial technology legal, B2B, SMB


106 Projects Completed

Freelance writer specializing in business, marketing, mobile, social media, e-commerce, security, financial technology, cloud security, legal, B2B, SMB, online

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