Constantine A
Writer #7252
Joined 7/1/2013
4 Star Rating
100% Success
211 Projects
0 Endorsements
2 Elite Skills
"Constantine understands the connection between all things." Though it is unclear what his second grade teacher recognized in him, in 1959 to write such a statement, her perception has proven to be astute. He believes that everything that is, is part of his family and every action, no matter how big or small, good or bad reverberates through us all. Majoring in engineering and mechanical drafting in High School he then received a pre-med Associates Degree in College. His pursuit of a medical career got sidetracked when he married a Canadian actress who was enrolled in a clown school in Ottawa, Canada. He designed and built for that school a theater in the style of a mini Greek amphitheater and that success launched him across unexpected seas. Constantine has complied numerous award winning credits in the theatrical, film, video industries. His client list include; His Holiness the Dalai Lama, U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman, Bill Moyers, The MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour and the Sierra Club.

After the oil crisis of the 1970s he began designing and building what is today described as sustainable or Green architecture. When solar PV panels became available to the public he added Personal Power Stations to his designs to create for his clients self-powered homes. Constantine is well traveled and has always chosen to walk and stay with the people as opposed to staying in resorts. His encounters with all the differing shades of humanity as well as with the diverse natural world continue to teach him about the meaning of Life, his place in the Universe and Spirit.

When Hurricane Mitch hit Honduras with an awesome deadly force in 1998 Constantine heard a scream that he could not ignore. He made a solo trip down there with a backpack full of survival gear and a canvas bag full of hand tools to find a way to alleviate some of the suffering. His memoir, Road Angel, of that perilous yet enlightening journey is a daily account of the trials he faced. His missions of mercy have become integral to his life. He came in service to the people of New Orleans after Katrina, went to the war zone in Iraq in 2007 and 2008 and most recently lived in Haiti, 2010-2013, to teach sustainable reconstruction methods in that oppressed land. Writing has always been a part of his skill set because he believes communication is key to healthy human evolution.


Renewable Energy
Third World charitable work
Interactions with Nature
Theater, video, and film


Constantine's special interests include; Outer Space Exploration, Political Science, High Tech Development, Human Development, Plight of the Poor, Survival in the 21st Century, Renewable Energy, Marketing & Media.


Newtown High School

At the time Newtown High offered a specialized Engineering Program to prep students for those who wished to pursue a career in that field. Constantine excelled in the program and became proficient at architectural drafting.

Queensborough Community College

While working full time Constantine studied the human body, mind and our environment as preparation for continuing in medicine. But......


101 Projects Completed

Constantine's first professional job was designing and building a theater for a clown school in Ottawa, Canada. His design skills are imbedded in everything he does. Thinking outside the box falls short in describing his ability. In his world there is no box.


63 Projects Completed

Constantine's is experienced in all forms of media. Theater, still photography, video, radio, motion picture film, fliers, magazines, newspapers and the web are all part of his skill set. His writing has been a thread that weaves through them all.


47 Projects Completed

Advertising requires technical and artistic proficiency and a deep understanding of the human psyche. Constantine's success in this field is well documented. Moving people into action is one of his passions.

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