Cyndal specializes in product description, bringing accurate and informational material to consumers. She also writes women's health and wellness topics, including sensitive topics such as battered women's syndrome and common mental health disorders. She has experience with food and beverage articles as well as lifestyle topics. She is proficient in transcribing and possesses quick, accurate typing skills.
Cyndal loves to cook at home for her family and enjoys curling up with a good suspense novel at the end of the day. In her free time, she is outdoors either hiking, swimming or cycling. Every once in a while Cyndal will live on the edge and go zip-lining or even bungee jumping!
Cyndal has written about special events, theater, movies, music, family activities, what to do on a first date, best local restaurants, tourist activities, and sport clubs. In addition, she has produced accurate and up-to-date information on celebrity gossip. She writes reviews, articles, white pages, and informational material on this subject.
Cyndal has written several articles that include recipes and tips for cooking. Each recipe she wrote about was tested in her own kitchen. Ingredients included basic everyday items that consumers would find at any grocery store. They were for the purpose of "simple, healthy, home-made dinners" for the busy family. She has also written reviews about cookware.
Cyndal has written features for a popular women's magazine on beauty products such as lip gloss, mascara, and face wash. Each feature was written only after she personally tested the products herself and researched relevant information including manufacturer, price, and ingredients. She has written for multiple product lines and kept an objective tone in her features.
Cyndal has written an extensive Biography about the history and evolution of MMA and UFC. She has assisted in crafting dialogue for a fantasy football podcast by researching key players and injury reports. Cyndal has also done an argumentative piece on the physical and mental advantages of keeping recesses in our elementary schools that included citing sources and advanced research on the studies that have been done on the subject.
Cyndal has experience writing articles about domestic violence and the effect it can have on children, as well as research on battered women's syndrome. She has done extensive research to bring awareness to the negative impact an abusive relationship can have on self-esteem and self image. She has also written about the long-term effects of unhealthy relationships.
Cyndal co-authored a ghostwriting project involving self-help techniques that focused on self-care, inner peace, and self actualization. The project dove into Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and incorporated useful tools to benefit readers in their self-help journey. It also touched on common mental illnesses such as depression, PTSD and anxiety and ways to overcome them.
Cyndal has researched and written in-depth articles on topics such as; lifestyle, women's health, sports, food & beverage, entertainment, travel, mental health & well-being, current events, political pieces, and celebrity news. No matter which topic is in need of writing, Cyndal will create engaging content that appeals to target readers and bring value to the subject with extensive research.
Cyndal has done biographies of staff for company directories, as well as Biographies and history of organizations as a whole. Whether it is an individual or business, she organizes material to research and complete fully informed profiles. Cyndal is always tactful and aims to convey her subjects in only the best light.
Cyndal has written product descriptions according to the guidelines of the company in proper format with accuracy. Paying attention to detail on specifications, materials, product function/capability, operation, maintenance, and warnings & safety instruction to client satisfaction. She has delivered proper disclaimer and warranty content along with all assignments per company policies.