Timothy Y. is a specialist in education. He is very interested in writing about politics as that is a passion of his.
Timothy Y. is an avid SCUBA diver with a deep and abiding interest in politics. His interests are varied as he can talk about sports as well as literature.
Timothy Y. is a proud graduate of the University of Central Florida.
Timothy Y. holds a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of North Carolina. While attending UNC, Timothy Y. kept a perfect 4.0 GPA.
Timothy Y. holds a Master's degree in Literature.
Timothy Y. enjoys writing about real estate. He even likes to search for property listings in his spare time.
Timothy Y. has been an English teacher for over five years. He is well-versed in the latest education practices and products.
Timothy Y. has an extensive history within the hospitality industry. He has numerous family members who work in hospitality. He also has over ten years experience working in this industry as well.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.