Geoff specializes in science, travel, construction, the arts, and politics. He is a recognized expert in the field of comic book criticism and illustration.
Geoff is a published author of several books and graphic novels. He is a member of the Austin Sketchgroup of Austin, Texas, and the editor, publisher, and advertising coordinator for the local publication Rocksalt Magazine.
Between this and a few other Northern New Jersey educational institutions Geoff received a fairly complete education in the art of filmmaking and professional comics production. He served two internships, at Marvel Comics and Valiant Comics.
Geoff attended his first year of college here, concentrating on WKU's internationally renowned folklore program. Unfortunately Geoff had to leave after his second semester for health reasons.
Geoff has been working as a ghostwriter and law blogger for two years now, filling orders for legal analysis and position papers across America. He is remarkably versatile in writing about the law, and enjoys articles about family law, criminal law, business law, and copyright issues. He is most thoroughly familiar with the legal codes of Texas, California, New Jersey, and Kentucky.
Geoff is a recognized expert in the field of comic books and graphic literature. He has worked for years in the industry, trying his hand at everything and not shying away from any task. He is more than capable of bringing a comic from the barest sketch to full printing and publication, and has done it dozens of times. He maintains two web comics, a quarterly published periodical called "Rocksalt," and a weekly column about the art and history of comics. Although there are certainly people in the world who love and understand comics as well as Geoff does, there are not many.
Geoff has a diverse experience in the electronics field, both as a technical writer and an electrician. He excels in making complicated electrical concepts simple and accessible to the layman. He feels that a basic understanding of electronics is within the grasp of any reader.
Geoff has been interested in the political arena his entire life. He began his political work as a volunteer for Robert Torricelli's successful senatorial campaign and has continued working in all parts of the field. He specializes in the politics of the environmental movement and emergent technologies.
Geoff has been writing for real estate firms and other professionals for nearly twenty years. After his early work in the challenging and complex real estate market of Northern New Jersey, he has remained a dedicated author and observer of the industry. His projects have ranged from explaining international issues to an audience of laymen to crafting listings for luxury markets.
By inclination and experience Geoff has always been involved with science. He derives great pleasure from following the progress of the sciences, and prides himself on using his education to understand complex concepts and express them in simple, but accurate, language. His dream is to someday write a chemistry textbook that can actually be understood by the students that have to use it.
Geoff excels at good, general advice. He understands the principles that underlie writing as a tool for others to use as personal growth, and he prides himself on pragmatic and realistic appraisals of real-life situations.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.