Nicole P
Writer #6962
Joined 5/9/2013
4 Star Rating
100% Success
651 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Nicole is a seasoned digital strategist and director for a marketing firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina. She is driven, candid, original, and offers a fresh spin on even the most intricate digital challenges.

A mother of two, she crams her days full of blogging on digital topics, parenting her toddler and infant, and perusing the deep industry insights of bloggers and tech reporters she admires.

Her web development and search engine optimization experience is vast and deeply-rooted. Growing up around search engine optimization, she has been able to keep her thumb on the pulse of the latest algorithm changes and social trends without jumping ship for the latest SEO fad. Her tactics are time-tested and proven without being cookie-cutter and stale.
Blog Post
Web Development


Web marketing, web design, web development, search engine optimization, blogging, brand development, franchising, and business development are just a few of Nicole's specialities. Because of her lengthy experience with a variety of blue chip brands, there isn't many industries in which she hasn't had lengthy exposure.


Nicole flourishes as a mother and internet geek, while enjoying video games in her free time (whatever that is!).

Web Development

300 Projects Completed

Nicole P is a season digital director for a medium-sized marketing agency, overseeing and managing the strategy and deployment of large-scale digital deployments for hundreds of blue-chip, international brands.


100 Projects Completed

Nicole P is a season digital director for a medium-sized marketing agency, overseeing and managing the strategy and deployment of large-scale digital deployments for hundreds of blue-chip, international brands.


0 Projects Completed

Nicole is a mother of two children under the age of three, a recent divorcee, and a full-time working mom. She brings a unique perspective to the parenting world filled with shortcuts, humor, and above all, love.

Blog Post

251 Projects Completed

Nicole P has built her career on launching new blogs and providing blog posts. She has launched many blogs for a variety of blue chip brands, specializing in franchise systems. Not only did she head the design and development of these blogs, but she wrote, edited and/or oversaw the content launched therein.

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