Daniel M
Writer #6604
Joined 3/5/2013
4 Star Rating
100% Success
2,660 Projects
0 Endorsements
4 Elite Skills
Dan M. holds a Master's degree in human resource and knowledge management, and a BA in management. For the past five years, he has worked as a self-employed web developer, and has created content for many successful sites in various niches. In addition to producing content for his own projects, he has regularly written articles for clients operating both web based and offline businesses.

Due to his background in web development, he has extensive knowledge of SEO, and is able to produce content that is attractive to both human visitors and the search engines. He has written extensively for websites specializing in travel, business and technology amongst other topics.

Aside from regularly contributing content to websites, he also enjoys writing fiction to sharpen his skills and boost his creativity. Recently he began publishing some of this work to the various e-reader platforms, and it has been quite well received.

As someone who has published extensively online, he understands that producing informative good quality content has become more and more crucial to success in recent years. For this reason, he strives to reach a high standard with each project he undertakes. This dedication to quality, along with his background in higher education has given him the skills necessary to conduct the kind of in depth research that is crucial to producing good content.

Dan has received excellent reviews from many clients who have sought out his skills in SEO and content creation in order to obtain better rankings in the search engines. Over time, he has learned to strike an ideal between keyword optimization and creating content that informs and engages web visitors.
High Tech
Human Resources
Press Release
Web Development
Blog Post


Dan M. is an avid traveler who enjoys writing about the places he has seen, and teaching others how to save money and make the most of their own vacation experiences. His academic background is in business, and he continues to enjoy researching and writing in that field. He combines this business background with a strong interest in internet technology to help educate small companies on how to succeed online. He is also an avid reader and fiction writer who recently began publishing for the various e-reader platforms.


Gettysburg College

Dan M. holds a BA in management from Gettysburg College with a minor in Philosophy

University of Lancaster

Dan obtained a masters degree in human resource and knowledge management from the University of Lancaster in the UK.


502 Projects Completed

Dan has always had a passion for travel and has had the privilege of visiting many fascinating countries, as well as many interesting areas of the United States. He once owned and operated a successful travel blog, and has created hundreds of posts and articles in this space. He loves teaching people about the exciting places he has visited, and is excited to share some tips and tricks to help them enjoy their own travels more.


302 Projects Completed

Dan has a graduate level education in business. He has researched and written papers covering many different aspects of the field. In addition, he has created articles and blog posts for small businesses in a wide array of industries in an effort to help them cultivate and grow a larger online presence.

Web Development

301 Projects Completed

For the past several years, Dan has worked as a self-employed web developer and online marketer. During this time he has gained an excellent understanding of both on and off page search engine optimization, as well as other methods of marketing in the online space. He has written many articles for a membership site designed to teach small business owners how to obtain search engine traffic, and build an online presence.


203 Projects Completed

As a frequent traveler and travel blogger, Dan has written many articles reviewing the restaurants and hotels he has visited. He has also created many blog posts for companies in the hospitality industry who wish to get the word out about their businesses. Over the years, he has gained a good deal of knowledge about this industry and he enjoys sharing this knowledge with others.


100 Projects Completed

Dan is a long time video game enthusiast He loves classic older titles, and once operated a blog dedicated to arcade style video games. More recently he has written reviews for PC based titles, as well as games for Apple's IOS platform. He likes to create the kind of content that makes the purchasing decision easier for a gamer when they are considering picking up a new title.

High Tech

100 Projects Completed

As a self-employed entrepreneur operating in the online space, Dan has extensive knowledge of many of the latest high tech gadgets. He has tested and reviewed everything from mobile devices to the latest in computer hardware and software. He has also written articles and guides for companies in the high tech space which have helped to make their products and services more accessible to the average consumer

Human Resources

100 Projects Completed

Dan holds a Master's degree in Human Resource and knowledge management. He has researched the HR field extensively, and has created many articles commenting on the latest in HR theories and policies. His graduate studies give him a firm grasp of everything that HR encompasses, allowing him to write thorough, well informed articles.

Blog Post

529 Projects Completed

Dan has created blog posts in a variety of niches for his own websites, and for those maintained by clients. He has used the Wordpress platform for a large number of projects, and he has a strong background in SEO for blogs. He knows how to choose the kinds of titles and tags that can help a post to achieve top search rankings.


423 Projects Completed

Dan has written articles covering many topics for his own personal projects and for clients. He always strives to create well researched content that is keyword rich, and useful to the reader. He believes that creating high quality content is the best way to get and maintain web traffic over the long term.

Press Release

100 Projects Completed

Dan has created numerous press releases for online clients. He understands the importance of presenting all of the critical information about a company while keeping the press release short and concise. He is familiar with the kind of language that attracts a reader's attention when they look at a press release, and is able to create engaging content that is also useful from an SEO perspective.

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