Arts & Entertainment
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Business & Finance
Customer Service, Marketing and Advertising, Small Business
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Cooking, Wine & Spirits
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Entertainment, Music
Society & Culture
David Bowie. Alan Moore. Kurt Vonnegut. Robocop 1 and 2. Monster Squad. Chuck Klosterman. Venture Bros. Cooking the perfect beef stew. Old Timey America.
Tony M. has been blogging professionally for three years. He currently contributes articles regularly to three different websites and one newspaper in Boston for which he writes a weekly column. His writing usually involves itself with covering pop culture with a sardonic bent and humorous eye. Beyond this he has written articles on other varied subjects including the merits of moustaches, Director Wes Anderson and the band The Kinks, the literary industry, travel, and numerous book reviews. Tony M. understands the importance of meeting all of his deadlines. As well as including media to enhance article content. He edits and formats all of his articles and works with site editors to ensure adherence to house style. He has a knack for cross promoting columns through social media sites and other blogs. His columns have proven to be consistently among the most popular and viewed on the sites he works for, he attributes this to the quality of the writing, knowledge of the audience and savvy with tags and links and other SEO techniques. He loves developing a relationship with an audience that inspires their trust and loyalty to return to him for the content they seek.
Tony writes the regular humor column Touch The Wonder for DigBoston, where he performs droll vivisections on pop culture with equal parts vitriol and whimsy.
He has also written for the U.K. based celebrity humor site Hecklerspray.
There he has done list oriented humor articles.
Tony has written about music for numerous sites, including DigBoston, ManArchy magazine, Hecklerspray and Today's Fan.
Tony has written about such hobbies as comic book collecting, jogging, writing and cooking and concert attending.
He has done so for DigBoston, Voice of Downtown Boston and Today's Fan.
Tony is the author as well as the publisher of the novel Nefarious Twit. He financed the novel himself through a kickstarter campaign and started his own small press called Branch Hand Books.
He has written about his experiences for websites like DigBoston and ManArchy Magazine and been interviewed about his book by Booked, Books and Booze, Mourning Goats and LitReactor.
Here is a link to his book on Amazon.com:
Tony has written about travel and what sights to see, especially for visitors to his hometown of Boston.
He has written on the topic for Voice of Downtown Boston and DigBoston.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.